Never Returned (twilight story)

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The day of the cliff jump

Alice's POV

The vision was clear as any, I was wayching Bella as she stood on the edge of a cliff, waves roaring beneath her. She looked ready to jump, I was ready to panic. Does she really miss Edward that much? Yet, suddenly, she turned and smiled. She waved to someone and left the cliff behind. My vision ended with a blur...

The day of the cliff jump

Bella's POV

I stood on the cliff, ready to jump. I had to see Edward again, even if it was just a hallucination. I heard someone behind me. "Hey!" Called Jacob. "What are you doing?" I looked at the churning waves once more ans turned around smiling. I waved and ran over. "Hey Jacob." He frowned. "I said what are you doing?" "I want to try cliff diving, it looks fun." "Bella! Can't you see? There's a strong undertow today. And Victoria's near..." I gulped. Victoria? The crazed vampire still wanted to kill me, because Edward killed her mate. "Come on, let's get you home." He hopped in the driver seat of the truck as I climbed in the passenger seat. He started the engine and drove along. We arrived at my house, he hopped out and opened my door. "Mademoiselle." He held out a hand. I put mine in his and stepped out. Right into him. "Sorry." I mumbled, cursing my klutziness. "It's ok..." He whispered. I looked up, realizing his face was only inches from mine. Two voices combated inside my head. "What about Edward?" Said a voice. "Be happy." Said another, one that sounded exactly like him. "Be happy..." I leaned forward and his lips met mine.

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