Love never dies. That's the f-ing problem with it.

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I overcame my shock. "Edward!" I shouted, coming over to him. I then tried pushing him. "You! You left me! How dare you show your face again?" Leah, Embry and Jacob came up to me, Charlie stood there uncomfortably. "Bella, I-" "You what? Came to apologize? Well it's not accepted! I would be stuck in an asylum right now if it weren't for the werewolves! Heck, I'd be dead if it wasn't for them! Do you know what you put me through? Hell! Victoria and Laurence keep trying to kill me, I nearly went crazy with grief!" "Victoria? Laurence? Asylum?" He said, shocked. "Yes! Hallucinations and reckless behaviour along with extreme zombie-like loner-ness tends to put you in therapy and asylums!" I wasn't embarrassed to let everyone know, since Leah and Jacob knew already. Embry looked a little embarrassed to find out these sorts of secrets, but whatever. "I kept seeing crazy hallucinations about you, every time I did something reckless and dumb. I nearly jumped off a cliff to see them! I was totally insane with grief! I had nightmares every night and hid in my room for three months!" "You went crazy with grief over me? Bella-" "Don't Bella me, mister! You left me to die! You never loved me, and as soon as you were bored, you threw me away like I was trash!" "He tried speaking again, but this time Jacob interrupted. "She would have died if it weren't for us. How dare you even show your face around here again? Won't it hurt your precious secret?" "Get away from me dog. I came-" "Don't you ever call Jacob a dog!" Said Embry. "I came to talk to Bella. Can I talk to her alone?" All four looked at me. "Leah stays, the rest of you go." Jacob looked at me in surprise, and with hurt. But he and Embry left. "I'm sorry Bella." "I don't want an apology. Get to the point." "I left to protect you, give you a normal human life. Grow up. Have kids. Get married." Get married... "I still love you, I went mad with grief when I left. Alice said I was making a bad decision, but your safety came before my happiness. I went mad with grief. Madder than you claim you were... I love you Bella, I've never loved anyone like I love you! No one could know what this much love feels like! I can't help it, I just came to check on you but I couldn't leave. I love you too much." "Stop it. Stop saying that word like you mean it!" "But I do mean it!" "If you did, then you wouldn't have left me!" "I left you because I love you. I wanted to protect you! But now, I had to be selfish, I need you too much! I'm sorry for my selfishness but I have to have my Bella..." He started sobbing, a dry, tearless sob since vampires can't cry. "My Bella... I love you, I'm so sorry" Leah looked embarrassed, but she still hadn't said a word like Jacob would have. She was wiser, held down her emotions to hear what he had to say. Tears ran down my cheeks. "Edward." I moved towards him, to comfort him, when he said it. "I didn't want to leave you, I love my Bella." Something about that sentence turned the anger back on. If he hadn't said that I might have done something foolish and hug him or something. "Then why did you leave, if you love me so much? Why did you tell me you didn't want me anymore! I'm sick of all your lies and tricks." I spun around on my heel and marched back to the house, Leah following. I went to my room, where I laid on the bed, staring at a crack in the ceiling. "Bella?" She said, sitting down beside me. "I know that was hard for you Bella. But he was pretty convincing... But you can't just go back to him after he left you for two years! Two years that you only had Jacob to keep you from insanity. Because Jacob does love you..." "I know he does. And that's the problem! And I love him, but I love Edward too." "Still! After all he's done to you?" "Love never dies, Leah. And that's the f-ing problem with it." She laughed softly. "So what are you going to do?" "I don't know! I love them both, but Edward left me. But it would be weird being with Jacob when he's around Forks. I guess I'll have to put of his proposal until the vamps leave." "Proposal? Jacob proposed?" I nodded. "And now I don't know what to do..." "Well, say yes!" "What if I don't want to? Maybe I want neither of them!" She looked at me funny. Her eyes were hooded, sadness creeping in. "When you find love, it's supposed to last forever. But it doesn't. You should hold on to it, never let it go, or when you realize you love him, it's already gone." I sat up. "You ok?" "I'm fine." She said, curtly. She wiped her eye. "I'll send Jacob up." "Don't. I can't handle it tonight." She got up. "Alright. Bye Bella." I laid in my bed, staring at the crack, until sleep overcame me. "Bella. My Bella." Edward said. He stood on my left, beckoning me. "I love you Bella." Said Jacob, standing on my right. "Choose, Bella." Said everyone else, simultaneously. The Cullens stood with Edward, the pack with Jacob. Alice and Leah stepped up. "Which one of us is your true friend?" I stared at them. "Both!" "Choose Bella!" "Who do you love? You can only have one..." "Choose Bella. Choose Bella. Choose Bella." I woke with a start. Choose Bella... I clutched at my heart, the holes were back. I knew I should choose Jacob, but could I if I knew Edward was around? I love Edward. He betrayed you, I told myself. I love Jacob. Be happy, said a voice. How? How can I be happy if I must choose? No matter what my choice, I'll lose someone! Stupid love! I hate it, I hate Edward for leaving me, I hate Jacob for giving me another choice, I hate Alice, Leah, Esme, Sam, Rosalie... I continued the list, naming everyone I know. I sat there, it's not their faults. It's yours. Stupid love, so close to hate, but it never f-ing dies.

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