Hidden Powers

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Santiago’s POV

She stood rooted to the spot before gently setting the child down.

“So you decided on a fight?” I smirked.

She took a deep breath, probably to calm herself. “Please, can we just avoid a conflict?”

As a response, I cracked my knuckles and lunged at her. She dodged quickly, her hand shooting and grazing my arm.

Damn she was quick. Usually a newborn did not present much of a challenge to me; but that was because I could kill them. Aro wanted this girl alive. He specifically ordered me, only minutes ago, to capture her and the child and keep them alive until his arrival. The woman furrowed her brow. “How could you run to Italy and back so fast yet not avoid that attack?”

Run to Italy and back? The woman thought I actually went to Italy in person! I resisted a laugh and merely launched at her again. Little did she know that her words had caused a plan to form in my head.

I attacked again, snarling and slashing. She avoided most of my attacks, receiving only minor cuts. She lashed at me and nearly took off my arm, but I jumped backward; out of the way. I took out a dagger and she once more furrowed her brow. She knew that no metal could cut her with her vampire skin. To her surprise, I pointed to our left.

She gasped. “How?!”

“Now, you will give up and follow or the child dies.”

She sank to her knees and stared at the child’s captor. He was a grinning vampire, with his left hand holding the girl and his right hand ready to slit her neck with his nails.

“How?” She asked again, this time in a whisper. She stared lifelessly at the vampire, a man who looked exactly like me.


Her gaze shifted from the child to me. “Fine.” She said, slumping.

I walked over to my doppelganger and took up the position of guarding the child.


I simply smiled at her question, I was not about to explain about my power. I could make another copy of myself, one that could appear anywhere. It did not have to copy my actions like some sort of mirror-man but instead acted like a real person. It was what I had used to contact my Lords so quickly, and it was why I was always the messenger; so I could give them the replies immediately. The only thing was that it was not as it appeared to be, in other words it was not solid. A sharp pain in my hand distracted me from my thoughts, and I looked down to see the child had shifted into a wolf and was biting me.

What? A werewolf without a scent? How is this possible?

I pinched the wolf cub, causing it to let go of my hand. I quickly clamped it on it’s snout, preventing it from biting me. “And now, we wait.”

The girl’s gaze shot up from the ground to me. “For what?”

“For the one who holds your fate in his hands…”

A short chapter that was supposed to be a part of the next one but was released early. Why, you ask?  Simple. Because I want to let you know that the vote shall end on the last day of May. I know it’s a long ways away, but I want to give everyone the chance to vote. So don’t forget to leave your vote if you want a say in this story; whom do you want Bella to end up with?

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