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Bella's POV

Alice’s eyes travelled slowly to Ebony, who still struggled in that blond girl’s arm, then to me. “I received a call from Carlisle. He’s been doing tests, and he found the father. It’s-”

"It's not important." Aro cut Alice off. She closed her mouth immeadiatly. These vampires were pissing me off, why is everyone acting like they are kings?

"I have to know this!" I yelled at him.

He glared at me codly. "I would think that the safety of your child," He spat the last word out. "Is more important than the knowledge of it's father."

I closed my mouth and watched my child in silence, awaiting Aro's verdict. He stood and paced, sometimes casting a glance at the vampire girl struggling with the ever-shifting Ebony. "We let it live." My hope instantly soared. I was almost jumping with joy. He is letting my daughter live!

One of his associates stood up in fury. "But it's part werewolf!"

"And also part vampire." He countered.

"We should kill it!"

"We might." I froze. Did he just change it's mind. "We shall let it grow up, examine this new species. We shall watch it closely. And if it proves to be dangerous, than we kill it. This is fair."

"Thank you." Edward said, since I was speechless. I wasn't sure if I should be glad or angry.

"I do it out of our friendship to Carlisle. You are his 'children', are you not?"

"We are, and we appreciate your favor."

"Give the child to her."

The blond girl obeyed quickly, I believe she was relieved to get rid of her. She dumped Ebony into my arms, who automsatically turned back into her humanoid form and cuddled into my arms.

"Now go, befor I change my mind." We all began heading towards the exit, when Aro spoke again. "Werewolves, by leaving here alive, you owe us greatly. And Isabella, remember. We'll be watching you."

I stood, stunned, but Alice grabbed my arm and began dragging me out. She leaned over, and whispred in my ear. A single name. The name of Ebony's father.

I was shocked. "Surely he would have told me."

She shrugged. "You were drunk. He was drunk. Things like this happen Bella. You should tell him though."

"I wonder how he'll take it."

"Wait until we're out of here though."

I noddd in agreement, watching the vampires around us. Soon, we emerged into the night outside a tunnel. Edward came up to me and hugged me tightly. I pushed him off, "I have something to do. Alone."

He nodded and let go, so I headed over to the werewolf pack, all of them staying as far away from the vampires as possible. They glared at me as I approached, even Seth. I took a deep breath. "I thought yuo should know. I know who the father is."

"Who?" Jacob growled.

I pointed. And Seth gasped. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You're Ebony's father, Jacob."

A.N. Hey! I'm back from vacation! And you know who the father is! Also, due to popular demand, when I am finished this I will write an alternative ending for Team Jacob and Team Ebony's Dad fans. But I have to finish the Edward ending first :P

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