Port Angeles Inn

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A.N. This chapter is a little short, but that's because I couldn't wait to upload it! Hope you like! Don't forget the three steps: Like it, comment on it and fan it! All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer

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After killing a few hours, I got in the truck and drove over to Jacob's home. He, like me, still lived with his father but I knew he wanted to build his own place. "Hey Bells!" He ran over as I parked. He whistled. "Nice outfit." I blushed furiously, even though I was only wearing jeans and my nice purple shirt. Nothing sexy, even if it showed a little cleavage. But not much! But just having him say it made me feel like I was in a miniskirt and a bra. "Wanna follow or come in mine?" He gestured the car he built a few years ago. "I'll follow." We drove along the road until we hit Port Angeles, where he parked outside a bar. We walked in, where the La Push pack was waiting. Other people crowded the bar, but there faces were unrecognizable. "Jacob! Bella!" They shouted as we walked in, swarming around us. Leah hung back, siting at the bar. I sat on the bar stool next to hers, the bartender came over. "Can I get you ladies a drink?" "A beer." "Ditto." He didn't even ask for our licences but that was probably because Leah looked twenty one and I was only a year away. "Hey Leah, you ok?" "I'm fine." "Are you mad at me for something I did or said?" "I was, but it wasn't you r fault. I just think you should marry Jacob. I was once in love with a guy, but then he married someone else. He imprinted on her." We both looked over at Sam, who was till ever-nice to Leah. But we both knew how guilty he felt. "It's what I meant when I said that the love might already be gone when you realize you love him. I barked a short, humourless laugh. "You thought I didn't realize I love him? Of course I know I love him!" She looked confused. "Then why won't you marry him?" "Because I love him too much to put him through that when we both know I love Edward too." She looked at me wordlessly and grabbed the beer the bartender just brought. She took a nice long sip. "You know you will have to choose." "I know." We grabbed our beers and clinked them together. "To Bella, who will hopefully make a choice. The right choice. Before their all gone." We gulped down the beers.

Before long, I was intoxicated. Everything spun before my eyes. I was dancing with Jacob, then it was Leah, then Seth, then Sam, then Jacob again. Next thing I knew, I was kissing Jacob as the Pack cheered. I remember leaving and drinking more, which was unusual of me since I almost never drink. Heck, I was surprised I even had a second beer after the first one with Leah. But I knew the reason. I wanted to forget everything. Forget about Edward. Jacob. The Cullens. Everything. Wanted to make a choice. But this wasn't what I expected. I sat up, my head pounding from the hangover. I clutched the sheet to my body. Shit. Was all I could manage to think as I got out of the bed, nude. It wasn't a bed I recognized, somewhere I've never been before. Did I do it last night? And, if yes, with whom? Where am I? I saw my clothes neatly folded on a chair. I looked around the room. Biege walls, a plain white carpet, a double bed, and a side table. Two doors, one opened to reveal a washroom, the other closed. I pulled on my clothes and staggered towards the door. I opened it to find myself in a hallway full of numbered, identical doors. I followed the hallway into a lobby and hobbled over to the desk. A plumb woman sat in her uniform. Sitting under a Port Angeles Inn sign. "Mary?" I said, looking at the name tag. "I need your help." "What?" She said, exasperated. "Can you tell me who checked in to room 109 last night?" "Isabella Swan. Room for two. The bill was already paid." "Can you tell me who was with me last night?" "No. Do I look like I remember everyone who comes in here? And I wasn't even on duty last night." "Shit." I mumbled, stumbling towards the door. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I'm going to have to buy a pregnancy tester.

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