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A.N. Very, VERY short chapter. Sorry. But I wanted to upload ASAP since I was gone so long, so I hope you like!

Bella's POV

"What?" Jacob growled, obviously I wasn't the only one left in the dark. "When I found out who took advantage of Bella I'll-" "Not in front of the baby!" Alice interrupted. "Sorry." I did not know if he said it to me, Alice or Ebony. For all I did was stare mutely at my child. My were-child. "I shall get DNA tests as soon as possible, if a needle can penetrate." Carlisle said. My baby, my beautiful dark haired baby. A werewolf. "Bella?" Came Carlisle's concerned voice. "You saw her ch- change?" I asked, forcing the word out. "Yes. But she only remained a wolf for a split second. Then she cried." "The first change. It is painful.." Jacob commented. I whipped my head towards him. "How is this possible?" I demanded. "None of you were born werewolf! You all changed later, when you were teenagers and young adults!" "I don't know. But I think she has it because she's been inside a vampire. We change when they are near." I looked at my precious Ebony. I took her out of Jacob's arms gently and cradled her. "My baby." I crooned. "My wolf child. Moon child. Night child too... Fanged child? Perhaps. I wonder what you are like..." I said, more to myself than her. "I wonder which species are you most... For you, my dear, are all three..." She blinked her innocent brown eyes as if she was confused by the question. I heard Carlisle and Jacob speaking in hushed tones. "Is she alright?" "Yes, she is only acting strange because of the shock." "Who ever took advantage of her like that is getting torn limb to limb. I swear, I will find out as soon as possible and-" "Jacob, find out now. Tell Sam." "Got a phone?" "Why do you need a phone, what about the whole werewolf pack thing?" Silence. "Jacob?" "I can't." "Why not?" "I left the pack." "What!"

Jacob's POV

"What!" came Bella's yell, startling Ebony. "Jacob Black, how dare you leave your pack?" She said, the first sentence that actually made sense since she found out about the whole were-baby thing. The poor baby started crying. Bella's face, that was twisted scarily (must be a vamp thing), suddenly turned soft and comforting again. "My baby." She crooned, rocking the baby surprisingly gently for a new born vampire. Actually, now that I think about it, everyone seemed surprised that she hadn't accidentally crushed it yet. But the others hovered near her. "Moon child with your hair like night. Night child with your eyes so bright..." She started singing, and the rambling calmed the child down. When it was calm enough, she handed the baby to Alice before appearing before me in a blink. "Jacob Black," she hissed, only loud enough for vampires and werewolves to hear, "What have you done?" "I saved your life." "What? I know, and I am thankful but why did you leave the pack!" "To save your life." "I don't understand." "Bella, when I found you. Laurence had already bitten you. I went to go help but Sam stopped me with an Alpha command. They would rather you dead than a bloodsucker." She winced visibly, hurt that the people she knew so long would let her die rather than suck blood. "So, I had to leave the pack. Become the Alpha of my own pack. The pack with just me. To save you..."Her lip was trembling. "Oh Jacob, you poor thing." She flung her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Her stink was overpowering, but I would get used to it for her. I realized something, although not much has happened in the last nine months, she was still my girlfriend. And now my girlfriend had a child. And now my girlfriend was squeezing me to death. "Bella. Need. Air!" She hastily let go. "Sorry, I thought werewolves were as strong as vampires!" "They are, but your a newborn Bella," Alice said. "You could beat us all in a strength competition. Even Emmett." Bella giggled at the thought and sobered almost immediately. "I'm sorry Jacob!" "Bella," I said, tucking a loose strand behind her ear. "I would do anything for you..." I knew her well enough that if she was human she would flush with embarrassment as I said that around Alice ant the doctor. "Hey Jake!" I jumped, causing everyone to look at me strangely. "How's the newest vamp?" Another voice came in, another unexpected thing."Hey, open the door! I'm freezing out here!" I hurried to the door, not believing it. After I left, it had been emptiness. Like the time I was human. But, as werewolf, it was unnatural. Which is why I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the door to two wolves. Seth and Leah.

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