Lily and Rose

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Author Spew;

If anyone is reaing this, thank y'all for taking a chance in reading another story start up of mine, I truly appreciate it.
So, in word document form, the first episode in it's entirety is 34 pages long. I was going to just leave the one episode as one chapter, but I think that may be a little ambitious, so I've chopped it up a bit.
But if you would like, I can make the next episode a single chapter, let me know and I'll make adjustments for future chapters.
I feel I should warn you, I live in California, so if any of my wording seems funny, it's cuz I don't know the London slang. I'l sticking pretty close to the scrip, but when I'm adding my own details and explinations, I'm almost possitive something will seem weird about it. So if you notice the occational 'mom' instead of 'mum' i apologize, I'm doing my best to fix it in editing.

Alrighty, here we go,

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Lily and Rose

The end of the day.

Thank god! I can't wait to get out of here! Where the hell is Rose?

Just as I'm about to walk out of the shop and head home to the bed that has been calling my name all day, I'm stopped by the doorman.

"Lotto money, bring it to Wilson will ya?" Just as I'm about to say something snarky, Rose pops up behind me.

"Oh, I've got my best girl on it." I smirk as I take the bag from him and shove it onto Roses chest.

"I don't think so sis. If I do this, you're coming with me." Just as I open my mouth to say something along the lines of how being manager should exclude me from this sort of thing, Rose death grips my hand and pulls me off behind her.

"I could fire you, you know." I say, trying to sound convincing.

Rose quickly looks over her shoulder and laughs at me before turning round again. "Your hilarious Lil, you know you would never fire me. If not for the fact that you like that I hate it here, than because you don't want to suffer all alone."

I silently scowl at the back of her head, and by the shake of her shoulders as she chuckles, she knows she right too.

"Wilson! Wilson we've got the lottery money!" Rose yells as we walk around the dank basement trying to find the electrician.

"Where the hell is he? He didn't get of early today, I checked." I mumble as we continue looking. "Come on Wilson, I've got to lock up, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to!" I yell, hearing just my voice echo around down here.

We approach the storage room, and as Rose turns on the light, I try yelling for him again. "Wilson, it's Lily and Rose! Where are you!"

We make our way a little further into the room, and I'm pretty fed up with screaming at thin air and before I can tell Rose that we should just give it to him tomorrow, the door behind us slams.

"You're kidding me." Rose sighs as she tries the door only to find its locked. "You have the key, right Lil?"

"I wish I did. Jim has the only other keys to down here besides Wilson." I slam my forehead against the closed door a little harder than I intended to, but what made me jump is the noise of something moving around from further back in the room. Turning around I see one of the multiple extra shop dummies start to move.

"Very funny, is this some kind of joke? Cuz I'm not laughing! Lily did you.." Rose starts to ask me, but stops after seeing the look on my face.

As more and more dummies start to get closer to us, we maneuver our way around them, trying to make it to the door at the back without having to get to close to any of those, things. Becoming more desperate and increasingly more afraid I start yelling again, this time not for Wilson.

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