Boom Town

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With Jack on board, my life felt, complete. He became my older brother, he was protective and caring, and always made sure that I was happy. He constantly made sure that if I needed to make a decision on something, I took my thoughts into consideration.

He could be a little over protective- okay, very over protective. But I was never bothered by it, in fact, I kind of reveled in it. It was nice to know that some cared so deeply about me. Jack never brought up my feeling for the Doctor again, but sometimes I would catch him staring between me and the Doctor.

Rose became his youngest sister, in a sense. He loved to tease her, and would constantly push her buttons. He annoyed her constantly, and she loved it.

Things with the Doctor were the same as usual. I felt close to him, but sometimes he'll pull away. And while I understand, it still hurts. And I think he knows that, he notices that when he pulls away, it affects me, and I can tell he feels bad about it.

I wasn't sure how long it had actually been since we picked Jack up, but eventually we made our way back to present time London.

The Doctor had parked us on top of the Rift to fuel up the TARDIS. Jack began working in the grating underneath the console, and Rose was helping him out. While the Doctor was on a ladder against a wall, fixing one of the round light things as I stood nearby handing him tools.

A loud bang came from the doors, startling me. Everyone looked towards it as Jack rolls his eyes, "I'll get it." He jogs over to the doors, and as he opens them a cold gust of wind flies through the TARDIS, blowing back the sides of my thick, white with black designs, cardigan sweater. I have on jeans and knee-high brown leather riding boots keeping me from getting chilled.

I look over and see that Mickey is the cause of the disturbance, as usual, and roll my eyes as he pushes past Jack and into the TARDIS.

"Oh my god, it's Mickey. Hooray, I'm so glad you're here." I deadpan in a dull voice, making him glare at me.

"Ah, Mickey." Jack sighs as he takes him in. He knows all about Mickey, how we were friends, how he wanted to leave me, and how even though he did save our lives; I haven't totally forgiven him yet. So he already doesn't have a great first impression of Mickey.

"Here come trouble, how you doing Rickey boy?" The Doctor calls down to him, and I chuckle, knowing he loves to piss him off, "It's Mickey!"

"Don't listen," Rose advises as she walks up to him, "he's just trying to wind you up."

"Can you blame him?" I mumble as I hand the Doctor a new tool, and he smiles down at me.

"You look fantastic!" He tells her as they hug. I openly gag, but Jack sigh, "Aw sweet, look at these two. Why can't I get some of that?"

I go to answer with something along the lines of incest not being something I'm interested in, but Rose beats me too it, "Because everyone else here is taken." She smirks over at him, and I blush and hide my face in my loosely curled hair.

"Did you find them?" Rose asks Mickey as she ignores my embarrassment. He searches through his pockets before handing the little books to her proudly. "We can go anywhere now." She boasts as she waves our passports around.

How did he find my passport, I didn't even know where it was.

The Doctor rolls his eyes at her smile as he says, "I told you- you don't need a passport."

"That's all very well going to Platform One, and Justicia, and The Glass Pyramid of San Kloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You see, I am prepared for anything." She tells him with a tongue-to-teeth grin.

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