The Parting of Ways

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I love that video, and I wish I had been the one to make it, but alas, it is not so.
And obviously, it's meant to be Lily in the video... But you know, imagination!!

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"You know the Doctor, you understand him! You will predict his actions!" A Dalek turns to me and demands an answer, and I scoff, "Like I understand that man's thought process! And even if I did know, there's no way I'd tell you!"

The Dalek stalks towards me, backing me into a corner as it orders, "Predict! Predict! Predict!"

"TARDIS detected in flight!" One with a deeper voice announces, and the one approaching me stops and turn to face it, "Launch missiles! Exterminate!"

"No, you can't! The TARDIS hasn't got any defenses, you'll kill him!" I blurt out without thinking, too panicked to realize that that's exactly their plan.

"You have predicted correctly!" the Dalek in front of me turn back it's eye stalk to face me.

I search the room frantically when I hear my favorite sound in the world, the TARDIS materializing. Soon, the walls around me slowly shift from the Dalek ship, to the inside of the TARDIS and I watch as the Doctor appears in front of me.

But the Dalek that had be standing next to me, came with me into the TARDIS, "Lily, get down!" The Doctor shouts as the Dalek shouts, "Exterminate!" I duck behind the coral structure next to me as Jack blows the Dalek to pieces with a massive gun.

The Doctor quickly makes his way over to me and pulls me up from behind the structure and into his arms. He pulls me tightly against his chest as his arm wraps around my waist. I put my arms around his neck as I whisper in his ear, "God, it feels like I haven't seen you in years."

"I told you I'd come and get you." He tells me. I close my eyes as I enjoy the familiar vibrations of his chest as he talks. I whisper, too overwhelmed to try and say it louder, "I never doubted you, not for a second."

He slowly unwraps me from his arms and hold my shoulders as he smiles at me, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, now." I tell him honestly as I tug on the folds of leather jacket, "How 'bout you?"

"Not bad," he smirks before resting a hand on my cheek, "better."

I smile and blush as he brushes my cheek with his thumb, before letting go of me and heading to what's left of the Dalek.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Jack questions as he walks over to me. I throw my arms in the air, welcoming him, and he runs, picking me up and spinning me around, making me squeal in happiness, "I love you, brother." I tell him softly as he sets me down. He squeezes me before letting go and saying, "Love you too, little flower." And I roll my eyes at the name, while in the back of my head, I try to figure out why that sounds familiar.

He lifts up the gun as he says, "It was just a one shot wonder, drained the gun of all its power supply, now it's just a piece of junk, you're lucky."

"Lily," I hear Rose whisper from behind Jack, and I run to her. I put both my hands on her cheeks, wiping away her tears before pulling her into a hug. She sobs into my shoulder and I pull her tighter to me, whispering to her that I'm okay, I'm alive, and I'm not going anywhere.

When she's able, she pulls back from me and we walk over to where the Doctor and Jack are looking at the Dalek.

"I thought you said they were extinct, how're they still alive?" I ask the Doctor, sure that while in Utah, he'd said the last Dalek had died.

"One minute they're the greatest threat in the universe, the next, they vanish out of space and time." Jack ruminates as he leans closer to the debris.

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