The End of the Earth

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Immediately after Rose and I let go of each other the Doctor starts talking, "Right then you two, you tell me, where do you want to go. Backwards or forwards in time, it's your choice. What's it gonna be?"

Rose and I have a silent telepathic conversation, the kind the only sisters can have, and I answer, "Forwards."

He flips a few switches before asking how far we want to go, and this time I let Rose answer, "One hundred years?"

He flips more switches, and moves more things around, before grabbing hold of the console. Rose and I take the hint and step forward to get a good grip.

I hear the wheezing start up again and I can't help but smile, excited for whatever's going to come our way.

When the wheezing stops the Doctor faces us and says, "There you go, step outside those doors it's the 22nd century."

"You're kidding." Rose questions him and I roll my eyes at her, after everything we've been through today, and this is what she questions.

"That's a bit boring though. Do you want to go further?" He asks.

"Fine by me!" I smirk back at him in a 'bring it on' sort of way. And he takes my challenge. After fiddling with the console some more, the wheezing stops and he smirks back at me.

Challenge accepted.

"Ten thousand years into the future. Outside, that'll be the year 12005. The New Roman Empire." He smirks at himself, proud with his work.

"You think you're so impressive." I tease.

"I am so impressive!" He insists, offended.

"You wish." I counter, and Rose just looks at me with that know-it-all look on her face, making me roll my eyes at her.

"Right then, you asked for it." He points at me as he smirks, like he's got a trick up his sleeve. "I know exactly where to go." He turns back to the console and starts fiddling with things again, the TARDIS shakes aggressively, making Rose and I share worried glances.

When everything stops, he simply stands there, beaming away, proud with himself.

"Where are we?" I ask, seeing as though he isn't going to explain on his own. But he just points to the door.

"What's out there?" You can hear the excitement in my voice, all he does is point to the door again, with a smile on his face. Rose and I take each other's hands at the same time, and run towards the door, and fling it open.

Stepping out of the TARDIS, we're in what looks like a regular room, causing me to pause. The Doctor finally steps out and takes a look around. He walks over to a small control panel by the door, and uses the sonic screwdriver on it. I walk down the stairs slowly, and a part of the wall in front of us, starts to slide down, revealing a huge window. Outside the window, is a picturesque view of space, and the Earth is the main focal point.

"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying." The Doctor says as he walks up between Rose and I, "Like you're going to killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive." I pause in my examination of my planet, to look up at the Doctor. He has a sad, nostalgic look on his face. But when he notices me looking at him, he smiles immediately, "This is the year five point five slash apple twenty six, five billion years in your future. And this is the day," he looks down at his watch, than continues, "hold on," Then looks up at me and pointedly looks at the window, a bright light shines over the Earth as he finishes explaining, "this is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world." He smiles down at the both of us.

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