Father's Day

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A couple days later, after getting out of a shower, I decide to do something a little different and straighten my hair. It's longer than I thought it was, it comes down to mid-back when it's straight. I need to get it cut soon, though I love the way it looks, it gets in the way. For make-up, I put a light grey eye-shadow and mascara and leave it at that.

I look through my closet and pull out one of my old favorite jackets; it's a tight black leather jacket, with a dark grey hoodie underneath. I put on a white shirt, dark blue jeans, and my black combat boots and head to the console room.

When I get to the console room Rose is sitting in the jump seat, looking like she has something to say, while the Doctor works on the console.

"What wrong, Rose?" I ask as I sit next to her. She looks over at me like she wants to say 'nothing,' but I give her a knowing look and she sighs before telling me, "It's just, I've been thinking lately, about dad."

I can feel my face go pale. I look away, to try and hide it from Rose, but the Doctor notices and walks over to us, and Rose says, "Peter Alan Tyler- our dad, the most wonderful man in the world. Born fifteenth September, 1954. Mum always said that he died the day Sarah Clarke and Stuart Hoskins got married, and he was always having adventures. So I was thinking, could we? Could we go and see our dad when he was still alive?"

Rose looks at him sadly, and I look at her worried, "Where did this come from?" I ask her, I didn't know she'd been thinking about him recently. She was too young to remember him when he died, but I remember him, I remember that day.

"I mean, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of time, or something, just forget it." She says quickly, defensively, and I lean away from her a bit.

"No, I can do anything," The Doctor tells her, "I'm just more worried about you." He says and I grip her hand as I nod in agreement.

"I want to see him." She reassures us, and the Doctor says, "Your wish is my command, but be careful what you wish for." She smiles as she walks off to get ready, and I stay in the seat.

"What is it?" He asks when he notices I'm not excited about this.

I look back into his eyes as I explain, "Rose doesn't remember him. All she knows is what Mum's told her, and Mum told stories, not the truth. Rose has this vision in her head, about a wonderful dad, who was always there, an inventor with a bunch of different idea that he made money off of, parents who were madly in love with each other. Mum gave her good things to remember, because she couldn't remember the truth. I don't want that ruined for her. But the truth is, dad was hardly ever home, he was always out 'working' and the inventions he came up with, were hardly ever completed. We lived off of what mum made working. Mum and dad fought, a lot, mostly about how he couldn't support us. They yelled at each other often, and mum always complained about him. I was always glad that Rose got to hear the stories mum told her about dad, because sometimes I would let myself believe them."

I sigh as I slump back in my seat, and the Doctor walks towards me, putting his hand on my knee as he says, "Do you want me to tell her we can't go?"

"I don't know, maybe. But doesn't she deserve to know the truth; should she find it out this way?" I ask him, really wanting to know what he thinks about it, but Rose comes back in the room, and smirks as she sees his hand. He takes his hand back and walks over to the console, and when he looks over at me, I simply nod, letting him know that we're gonna do this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Our first stop, is mum and dad's wedding. We stand in the back as they stand at the altar, "I Peter Alan Tyler, take you Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Prentice," The priest says before motioning for dad to repeat,

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