Bad Wolf

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Suddenly the TARDIS console room turns into small spinning cupboard. As Rose gets tossed around in the small room, she can hear the Doctor shouting, not understanding what happened either.

The door opens and they fall to the floor as a blonde woman with bun pigtails, makes her way over to them, "Oh, my god! I don't believe it! Why did they put you in there, they never said you were coming!"

As the woman helps them to their feet, the Doctor groggily questions her, "What happened? I was- we were..." He trails off as he tries to keep Rose steady on her feet.

"Careful now," She warns them when they try to move, and catches Rose before she can fall, "that's the transmat. It scrambles your head, I was sick for days. What's your name sweetheart?"

She asks Rose, and it takes her a second to come up with it, "It's um, it's Rose."

"I'm the Doctor- I think." He looks around trying to understand how they got there, "I was uh- we were, I don't know. What happened, how?"

"You got chosen." She tells them proudly, making both their heads snap in her direction.

"Chosen for what?" Rose asks warily.

"You're housemates, you're in the House! Isn't that brilliant?" she grins at them, expecting a happy reaction.

Rose and the Doctor take a closer look at their surroundings to see a young man and another young women over in front of a couch by a large TV. The House and all the decorations and furniture, are bright neon colors.

"That's not fair!" The young man complains, "We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine week, I've followed the rules! I haven't had a single warning, then they come swanning in!"

The other woman by the couch, isn't pleased to see them either, "If they keep changing the rules, I'm gonna protest, I am. You watch me, I'll paint the walls!" She yells out to the ceiling, and Rose finally notices all the cameras in the house.

"Would the Doctor and Rose Tyler please report to the diary room."

When the Doctor notices a door with a large eye decal open up, he takes Rose's hand and leads her into the room, and straight to the couch.

"You are live on channel forty-four thousand, please do not swear."

"You have got to be kidding." The Doctor sighs as he realizes where he is.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lily POV.

"What happened?" My head is killing me and I'm not in the TARDIS.

A dark-skinned man smiles down at me as I try to figure out what's going on, "It's alright. It's the transmat, does your head in, get a bit of amnesia. What's your name?"

"Lily, but where's the Doctor, and Rose?" I shake my head, trying to make things fall into place, but it does the opposite of help.

"Just remember, do what the android says," He warns me, "don't provoke it. The androids' word is law."

"What do you mean android, like a robot?" My head is not clear enough to wonder why he seems confused.

"Positions everyone, thank you!" A woman shouts from off to the side, and people quickly move to their spots.

"Come on, hurry up." The man takes my hand and helps keep my on my feet, "Steady there."

"I was traveling with the Doctor, a man called Captain Jack, and my sister Rose?" I question, hopeful they're nearby, "The Doctor wouldn't just leave me."

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