Lily and Rose Part Three

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Part Three

Instead of going home, we go to Mickeys place, cuz Rose wants to see Mickey, and I want to use his computer.

"Hey hey, there's my woman!" Mickey welcomes Rose as he open the door, then he sees me, "And um, glad you're here too Lil." He jokes as he hugs me.

"Shut up!" Both Rose and I yell at him, making he laugh at us before he offers us coffee.

"Yeah, and only if you wash the mug. And I do mean wash, not rinse." Rose teases him.

"No thanks, can I use your computer though?" I ask him.

"Yeah, any excuse to make me pay for something." He only half teases as he and Rose head into the kitchen. "Don't read my emails!" He yells at me as I close his bedroom door.

I try to ignore his dirty room, but it's harder to ignore the dirty boy smell.

I sit down at the computer and try to think about what I'm doing. I really want to know what's going on here, but I'm not sure I really believe what the Doctor was saying. And even if I did believe it, I wasn't sure I totally understood it.

Living plastic, controlled with thought control. What's controlling the thought control, and how do they do it? How are they going to take control of the Earth, with plastic?

The first thing I type into the search box is Doctor, Living Plastic.

Plastic surgeons? Not exactly what I was going for.

The next thing I type in is Doctor, Blue Box. Having seen the blue box thing each time we've run into the Doctor, I figure it's somehow connected to him.

And the very first result says, 'Who is the Doctor? Do you know this man? Contact Clive here.'

That's seems more likely.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You're not coming in! Rose if you want, you can come, but Mickey, wait in the car. Alright?"

After looking through the website and stumbling across some interesting things, I finally convinced Rose, and Mickey, to drive to this guy Clive's, house. I had contacted him letting him know that I wanted some more information on the Doctor, and he immediately agreed, but said the information was too delicate to discuss over the telephone. And after some not-so-delicate prodding, Rose agreed to go, and Mickey designated himself driver, and protector.

"He's totally safe Mick, he's got a wife and kids." I'm trying to convince Mickey to stay in the car, it's what's best for all of us really.

Mickey counters with, "Yeah, and who told you that, he did! That's exactly what an internet murderer would say!" I smack him on the back of the head, making him jerk forward before he turns to face me in the backseat with a scowl on his face. Rose opens the door and gets out and I clamber over the front seat, making sure my feet are in Mickeys face the entire time. When I'm finally released from metal confines of the car, and Mickey, I smirk at Rose, proud of my 'Pissing of Mickey' skills. She simply rolls her eyes at me and I grab her hand to pull her behind me as we cross the street to get to Clive's house.

After knocking on the door, it opens to reveal a young boy, not what I was expecting, but continue on none the less.

"Hello, I- we've come to see Clive." I let the kid know, gesturing to include Rose as well. "I've been emailing him."

The kid just rolls his eyes at me before he yells out, "Dad, it's some of your nutters!" In shock I gasp at him, making Rose laugh from behind me.

"He included you too you know." I whisper at her, making her pause before she makes an offended face.

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