World War Three

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"NO!" I scream and try to get to him, but Rose pulls me back. When suddenly, it starts to crackle with blue electricity, and drops Indra to the floor.

Rose and I run out of the room, each holding one of Harriets' hands, as I'm trying to figure out a way to get to the Doctor.

But Harriet stops us, "No, wait, they're still in there, the Emergency Protocols! We need them!" and she lets go of our hands and runs back to the room. When we get there we see that the blue electricity has stopped pulsing over it, so we quickly high-tail it out of there.

We run through room after room until we find ourselves in a one where the only exit, is the way we just came in. So we hide, Rose ducks down behind a cabinet, and Harriet hides behind a Chinese room divider, and I run straight to the curtains.

"Oh such fun," The alien that was using Margret's skin, teases us, "little human children, where are you?" She singsongs as she searches the room for us, "Sweet little humeykins, let me kiss you better with my big, green, lips."

While its back is turned, Rose runs over to the adjoining curtain, and we keep eye contact as more aliens enter the room.

"My brothers," She greets them. "Happy hunting?" One asks her.

"It's wonderful," She tells them, "the more you prolong it, the more they stink, sweat and fear."

I scrunch my face up in disgust, and Roses' eyes widen with fear.

"I can smell an old girl," One of them says, as the other counters with, "And two ripe youngsters, all adrenaline, and a touch of extra hormones in one," I do my very best to keep my face from flushing. "fresh enough to bend before they snap!"

Rose and I scream in tandem as the curtains are ripped away from us, but Harriet pops out of hiding and yells, "No! Take me first! Take me!"

Just as I was about to run over to her, the door bursts open and the Doctor runs in with a fire extinguisher. He sprays the two in front of him as he tells us to follow him out, and I reach up behind me and rips the curtains down, to cover the one in front of Rose and I.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks Harriet when he notices her, and she tells him, the same she's told everyone today, "Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North."

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I chuckle at the quick introduction, and the Doctor sprays them once more, before ushering us out.

"We need to get to the cabinet rooms!" He tells us as we run along the hallways once more.

"The Emergency Protocols are in there," Harriet informs him, "they have instructions for aliens."

"Harriet Jones, I like you." He tells her as we run along, she looks a little surprised by the praise, but returns it just the same, "I think I like you, too."

When we finally make it to the Cabinet Room, Harriet Jones picks up the suitcase holding the Protocols, and hugs them to her chest. Rose and I stand behind the Doctor as he picks up the decanter. He holds the sonic screwdriver against it as he stands in the doorway as the aliens arrive, "One more move, and my sonic devise will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Woof, we all go up, so back off."

As they take a couple steps back, he lowers the decanter and starts to question them, "Right then, who exactly are the Slitheen?" He asks, it's somewhat of a relief to finally know their name.

"They're aliens." Harriet informs him, and I can practically feel him rolls his eyes as he says,

"Yes, I got that thanks."

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