The Empty Child

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It had been a few days, the Doctor had taken us on a few non-life threatening adventures and it had been pretty awesome. It's amazing to go out there and see so much that you never thought possible, so many amazing things you didn't dare believe true, right in front of you.

Currently, I'm enjoying the view from the TARDIS. The Doctor has set us adrift in space and I'm admiring the stars I've always loved watching from afar, closer than I ever dreamed possible. I have the TARDIS doors open and am laying on my back with my head hanging from the door frame; looking up and out. My long blonde hair is suspended around my face, blocking my view at times.

Suddenly, I see a large, I don't even know, canister? But it shoots past the TARDIS at an incredibly high speed. I instantly stand up and slam the doors shut as I yell for the Doctor, "Did you see that? What was it?"

He sends me a manic grin, "Let's find out shall we?" making me laugh out loud, always up for a new adventure. And I run to the jump seat and watch as he races around the console, setting us off on a jerky ride.

Rose comes running down the hall with her arms held out, trying to keep her balance as she shakily makes her way to me, "What's wrong? What's the emergency?" she collapses in the seat next me, and I laugh noticing she doesn't look as excited as I feel.

"It's mauve! The universally recognized color for danger." He explains, and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, "What happened to red?"

"That's just humans," he scoffs looking over his shoulder at us, and I grin proudly, making him chuckle, "by everyone else's standards, red's camp! Oh, the misunderstandings!" He laments dramatically, and I laugh as I carefully make my way over to him, "All those red alerts, all that dancing!"

He pulls up the scanner and moves it to where I can see as he explains, "It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS to it- wherever it goes, we go!"

I look down at the poor TARDIS and pat her console, a light hum comes to my ear, and I take it as appreciation for her well-being, "And that's safe, is it?" I ask him as I lean towards the scanner to get a better look at the thing we're following.

"Totally." He says quickly. A large amount of sparks shoot out of the part of the console I'm standing by. I jerk back to keep from getting hit and trip, I would have landed flat on my back, but luckily the Doctor catches me.

"Reasonably," He amends his previous statement while keeping me in the dipped position, "I should have said reasonably there."

He looks towards the scanner quickly, and notices that the capsule has started to get away.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He yells as he leans me forward onto my feet, and sends me spinning away. Thankfully landing back in the jump seat next to Rose, but she smirks at the incriminating blush on my face and I try to hide behind my hair. "It's jumping time tracks, it's getting away from us!"

"What exactly is this thing?" I ask to take the focus off my red face.

"No idea." He says, making me smile at the admittance as I ask, "Is that why we're chasing it?" He looks over his shoulder at me, to make sure I have a view of his eye roll, "Well, besides the fact that it's mauve and dangerous? Maybe a little, it's also about thirty seconds away from the center of London."

When we finally land, the Doctor and I race to the doors and as I make my way out first, I stick my tongue out at him over my shoulder. He playfully glares at me as he says, "Do you know how long you can knock about space without bumping into the Earth?"

"Five days. Or is that just when we're out of milk?" I tease, knowing what's coming next, as we've had this conversation before.

Rose rolls her eyes as she steps out of the TARDIS, listening to him complain, "All the species in all the universe, and it had to come out of a cow?"

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