Sisterly Talk

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After the excursion we went through with the Slitheen, we decided that we'd start our next adventure tomorrow.

After a shower, I change into sweats and an oversized sleep shirt, before throwing my bag onto my bed, and begin the arduous task of unpacking.

The first thing I pull out of my bag, which is necessary for unpacking, is a small Ihome. I plug my Ipod into it and put on my 'Fun' playlist. Before I press play, I ask out loud, "Is there any way you can soundproof the room?" The lights flicker in an answer, "Thank you." I tell her, and I turn the stereo up almost as loud as it can go, and 'Clarity' by Zedd and Foxes pumps through the room.

When I finally finish putting everything away, Rose walks into my room, and the very startled look on her face, proves how well the TARDIS managed to soundproof the room. I chuckle as I run over to the stereo and turn it way down.

"Sorry Rosie." I pat the bed next to me, telling her to sit down. "What's up?"


"Liar." I call her with a smile. She chuckles softly before admitting, "I just wanted to talk to you about things. The other day, after Dickens, I know you weren't asleep."

She tells me, I turn away, embarrassed. "I meant what I said you know. I've never seen you this happy. And while I'm glad to know how happy this makes you, how happy he makes you, I'm also worried."

"What do you mean?" I ask, not understanding what she's getting at.

"I know how happy you are here, with him, and I want you to be happy. You haven't had a lot of good things happen to you, and I want this to be one you can keep. I love this too, Lily, I really do. And I know how hard you try to make me happy, even with the sacrifice of your own. I know that you've always been sad and lonely, and mostly because you were taking care of me. You tried to hide it from me, but I could always tell. I'm worried about how far you'd go to keep me happy, keep me safe. Because now with the Doctor, things are so much more dangerous, and I'm worried that'll you do something that'll get you in trouble, for me."

"Rosie, I"- I sigh as I try to collect my thoughts; "I never wanted you to know. I've always believed that as long as you were okay, it didn't matter how I was. And I've lived by that for twenty three years, and I probably always will. You have always been my top priority, and always will be, I wouldn't change that even if I could." I out my hand on her cheek and smile, but she moves her face away.

"That's the thing Lily! I don't want you to do that anymore! I don't want you to sacrifice everything you have for me! I don't want you to lose the one most important thing in your life, because you think you have to, to make sure that I'm okay!" She starts to cry and when I try to pull her into a hug this time, she lets me. "I appreciate everything you've done for me Lil. I love you so much, you've done everything humanly possible to make sure I had the best I possible could. And I will never be able to make you understand how much that means to me. But you can stop doing that now, you have to stop doing that. It's time you get to have what you want, to be happy, and make choices with yourself in mind, instead of me." She lifts her head of my soaked shoulder, "I don't even know how to do that." I admit.

She sighs, "What would make me the happiest I've ever been, is to see you happy."

I look at her with tear filled eyes and nod, "Okay, I'll try."

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" I ask her, and she chuckles. She wipes her eyes before nodding, saying she's going to change into pajamas and then be back.

As she walks out of the room, I fall back onto my bed, exhausted. I promised her I'd try to put myself first. And I would try, but only so much. Old habits die hard, I suppose.

I quickly get up and brushing my teeth before curling up in bed. I put my playlist on 'Slow and Sleepy' just as Rose comes back into my room. She turns off the light and crawls on the bed, up to the pillows. We curl up together the way we did when we were little, cuddled together as close as we could manage, with only our heads sticking out of the blankets.

As the stars shine brightly above us, I whisper goodnight as I used to when we were younger, "Sleep tight, little flower."

Neither of us knew that the TARDIS had played our whole conversation to the Doctor.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And as they slept, the TARDIS started on her secret work, the conversation they had just shared, spurring her on.

She was more careful as she worked this night, not wanting Lily to have to go through more pain than she would, when the TARDIS's actions came to light.

She worked with love and happiness, hoping some of it would stick to the gold dust as it filled her, and would help her on her journey to come.

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