Lily and Rose Part 2

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Part Two

Rose and I sit on the couch in our living room. Rose watching the news about what we just went through in person, and me watching the creepy plastic arm that's in the lazy boy next to us.

"I know! It's on the telly! It's everywhere! They're lucky to be alive. Honestly, it's aged the both of them. Their skin looks like old bibles. Walking in now, you'd think I was their daughter!" Jackie was on the phone, talking to who even knows now. Their mum could for days on end without ever taking a break, as long as there was someone listening to her.

"Oh, and here's himself." I don't even have to take my eyes of the unsettling limb to know that mums talking about Mickey. Roses' boyfriend of many years now.

Personally, I think Rose could do a hell of a lot better than Mickey. And I've told her so, which led to one of the worst fights we've ever had. Eventually she got me to agree that as long as she's happy, then I'm happy. Besides, it's not that I don't like Mickey, he was my friend before Rose was even born, I just think she's worth more.

I hear Mickey start up, and I can't help but roll my eyes at him. He comes over and knees directly in front of where we're sitting on the couch, but his eyes are only on Rose.

"I've been phoning your mobile. You could've been dead!" He's almost yelling in his worry for her.

"Yeah no, I'm fine Mick. No need to worry about me." I deadpan, only kind of joking. Mickey looks over at me and more relief washes over his face. He quickly jumps up and hugs me, telling me he's glad I'm okay in my ear, before he lets go to kneel back in front of Rose again.

"It's on the news and everything! I can't believe that your shop went up!" He glances quickly over at me, missing Roses' slight eye roll.

"I'm alright. Honestly I'm fine. Don't make a fuss!" Rose sighs sounding a bit exasperated.

"Well, what happened?" He pushes her for an answer.

"I don't know." Rose lies, actually sounding a bit convincing, but looks to me for help, which Mickey noticed.

"What was it though? What caused it?" He asks again, this time directing his questions to me, hoping to get a better answer.

"We don't know." I sigh and shake my head, trying to sound confused. "We weren't in the shop, I had already locked up and we were out in the street." I say, knowing full well that it was the Doctors doing. My worry about him getting out before the place blew, becoming stronger as the minutes pass.

Mum comes back in the living room with the phone pressed to her chest saying, "It's Debbie on the end, she knows a man on the Mirror. Five hundred quid for an interview!" She says excitedly before handing me the phone.

I sit up and put a fake smile on my face as I say, "Oh, that's brilliant! Give it here!" When she hands it over, I promptly hit the end button before tossing her the phone back. She glares at both Rose and I when she notices Rose trying to keep herself from laughing.

"Well you've got to find some way of making money! The both of you!" She shakes her finger at the both us before leaving the room as she continues to yell at us over her shoulder. "Your jobs are kaput, and I'm not bailing both of you out!" The phone rings again and Jackie answers it instantly, "Bev! They're alive! I've told them to sue for compensation, they were seconds from death!" Her loud voice only slightly fades as she leaves the room.

Turning, Rose and I share a look. Nothing could change our mother.

Mickey takes a quick sniff of Rose's drink, "What are you drinking? Tea?" He snorts, "nah, nah, that's no good. You're in shock! You need something stronger." He takes her and hand and tries to pull her up out of her seat.

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