Aliens of London

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Waking up, I looked around my room, still in love with it, before finding my clothes at the end of the bed. After a second of wondering where the pajamas had actually come from, I decide that they must have come from the TARDIS.

I go into my connected bathroom and find that I have everything I could need, and take care of what needs to be done. I thank the TARDIS again for doing all this for me, before I pause and wonder if she likes that I do that, if I need to thank her every time, and basically just wondering how much she's actually inside my head.

"Okay, let's try something, if I were to think, I wish that my walls were TARDIS blue, instead of purple." I start to say out loud, but think to myself about the color change. As I open the bathroom door, I take in the perfectly matched blue walls of the outside of the TARDIS, making me laugh out loud. "Okay, I think I get it, and uh, let's stick with the blue walls, I think I like it more. Thank you." The stars of my ceiling flash in response, and I pat the wall on my way out the door as I head to the console room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty." The Doctor says as I enter, Rose is sitting on the jump seat and I make my way to sit next to her.

"Did I sleep all night? Was it night time? It feels weird that you can't tell in here. No offense." Questioning the way time works inside here, but apologize, not wanting to offend the TARDIS. Rose looks at me like I'm insane, till she hears a hum come from the TARDIS, which I take to mean 'none taken.' Rose looks at me shocked but I give her a knowing glance as I say, "I like to think she likes me, and I'd like to keep it that way by being polite."

The Doctor chuckles at me but says, "She does, she likes you a lot actually." As if just realizing this, he makes a weird face, before he mutters something under his breath. I thought he was talking to himself, but by the way the lights dim a bit, I take it he's talking to the TARDIS.

What I didn't expect, was how shocked he looks.

Can he actually talk to her, and understand her?

That's so cool!

"The Doctor told me that we're going to stop back home. Let us have a visit with mum." Rose interrupts me from watching him.

"That's nice of him. Did you ask if we could go?" I wonder, wanting to know if she misses home. Because I don't seem to, I feel bad that mum has no idea what we're doing, and sure I miss her some. But I don't miss being at home.

Rose shakes her head at me, "No actually, I didn't ask. But I'm glad he suggested it."

The TARDIS shakes as we land, Rose stands and takes my hand as she heads to the door. Stepping outside I can see that we're right next to the Powell Estate, "How long have we been gone?" I ask him.

He shrugs, proud of himself as he tells me, "Twelve hours."

Rose laughs making the Doctor chuckle at her, and I just smile, glad she's happy.

"Right, well we won't be long. We're just gonna see our mum." Rose informs him as she drags me towards home.

"What are you going to tell her?" The Doctor asks, making me come up short, I wasn't sure what I'd tell her.

"I don't know," Rose says, "that we've been to the year five billion. And only been gone, what, twelve hours?" She jokes with him, making him smirk as he shakes his head. "No, I'll just tell her that I spent the night at Shareens' and took Lily with me, get her out of the house." I blush at that, wishing I still was in the dark about how much she's figured out about me. But I know it'll work, seeing as how she's always doing stuff like that for me. "We'll see you later." She says over her should as she continues to pull us away, but I stop us again, turning back to him to say sternly, "Don't go wandering off without us." He smiles, but he can tell I'm being serious, so he just says, "I won't, promise."

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