Our First Sunlight ( The Promised Neverland)

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Note that the storyline is not completely in sync with the manga. The top picture above is my drawing of Emma from the promised neverland.

"Ok, now that everyone is full and everything. I'm going to explain this universe that you guys are about to see." clapped Sora gaining everyone's full attention. 

"This is another dimension with a very different outcome. It's where two universes collide together to create a new one, where the backgrounds and the characters of the universe are colliding. For example, with totally different characters, they will be in your shoes portraying your journey while in their original universe, you guys will be playing their roles. Understand?"

"So to say, we are all playing different roles of other characters, am I right? Does that mean that the villains are also the same?" Midoriya questioned, writing feverishly in his notebook.

"That's right, though some of you may also be the villains or protagonists. Maybe even act differently than your actual selves to suit the universe. Or could be your opposite gender." 

"I hope none of us are villains in that universe," Koda said softly but loud enough for those around him to hear and they all hummed in agreement.

"Don't worry, none of you are bad people. Well aside from the facts that all of you are age 12 and below, that is."

"Wait WHAT!?"

Emma - Midoriya ( Izuku)
Ray- Bakugou (Katsuki)
Norman -  Mizutani (Shun)
Don- Kirishima (Eijirou)
Gilda- Uraraka (Ochako)
Mama ( Isabella)- Chitose (kizuki)
Phil- Koda (Koji)
Nat- Monoma ( Neito)
Lanni- Sero ( Hanta)
Thoma- Kaminari ( Denki)
Anna- Momo ( Yaoyorozou)
Jemima-Mina (Ashido)

By the way, I am using their first names. The ones in brackets.

Multiverse Starting...

Our First Sunlight ( The Promised Neverland)

Date: 20 April 2XXX 

At late night, Izuku could be seen limping on his crunches, walking through the hallways, stopping at the foot of the library door.

"Woah, you look so cute when you are younger!! Not that you aren't cute now, Midobabe but eek I just want to squeeze the life out of that version of you" Mina squealed bouncing in her seat.

Silently opening the door, Katsuki could be seen sitting on a table chair, reading a book before closing upon hearing the door open. He watched as the younger limped himself closer to him until he was at a far enough distance.

"Katsuki, what are you doing at this hour?" His voice sounded tired and hoarse, it seems understandable since it was late at night. However, that is not the thing that caught the audience's attention but rather the dull spark in his eyes. It was as if that he had lost all life in them.

"It's my last chance, so I'm saying goodbye to this house." he sighed, standing up, not looking away from his book. "oh," Izuku said, looking down on the floor before looking at his friend again.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, right?" He asked again, hunching over, having a shadow over his eyes making him look even more tired than he already was. Katsuki nodded. " Yeah, tonight's the last night.

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