Sing to let Go Part 1

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"Here's the next universe!!"

The screen that blanked out just like all the other times before the title popped out. There were many reactions to it. Some excited, some confused, and some suspicious.

"Any warning before we start?"

Sora looked dumbly at them before she hummed, "Yeah I guess, uhh, there is blood, death, and depressing shit going on so yeah. Don't worry though, it's not too vivid so you all wouldn't get any nightmares....maybe but anyways~"

"Sora, WHAT!?"


Multiverse Playing
Sing to let Go Part 1

"C'mon Bakubro, you'll be late..." Eijirou's hand rested on the other shoulder, prompting the other. The ash-blonde stayed still and silent, making no indication that he heard his best friend. Eijirou breathed out his nose, a heavy feeling in his stomach as he patiently waited. His eyes lingered on the two clean headstones they were standing in front of, silver engraving mocking them both in the face.

"The fuck happened to me?"

"Eijirou doesn't look good too."

All of them noticed the dark circles under their eyes and the lack of energy they hold in their body. The pro-heroes immediately sat up straighter as they felt the familiar dread seeping into their bones as the video continues.

"Don't you guys think that they both look older there?"

Before anyone could respond, the screen flickered to the two headstones the older duo were standing in front of.

Here lies Izuku Midoriya

Beloved Son, Partner, Friend,
Husband and Hero

"Plus Ultra everyone!
Never Give Up no matter what or who you are!
You Can Be A Hero!!"

July 15th 230X - July 23rd 232X

"..." A sharp intake of breath could be heard. What they feared the most came to life, even if it was not in their universe. It still hurts.

"w..Wait, they said t...two headstones...Who's the other one...?"

Everyone grew uneasy at the thought, silently waiting for it to be unveiled but at the same time wishing for it not to be who they thought it to be.

Izuku on the other hand, just barely processes the thought of his alternate else being dead. And judging from the indicated year, he died before he reached his 20s. He could faintly acknowledge the comforting squeeze of his hand from his lover as he tries to calm him down, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Shun was also the same, albeit she was not too surprised due to what she works for but nonetheless it hurts. But her heart hammers in her chest as the video plays, already knowing the person who is on the next headstone without it being said.

Eijirou could hear the green-head voice ringing by his ear as he reads the last words he had for the world. He promised to do his best to change the world and he did exactly that. The quirkless and those who are discriminated against with suicidal and the death rate dropped drastically even before he entered the world. Even the crime rate dropped. Eijirou's eyes then dragged onto the headstone beside his close friend's grave. Tears quickly prickled in his eyes as he holds them in.

Here lies Shun Mizutani
   Underground Hero: SilverStream

Beloved Wife, Partner, Friend,
Daughter and Hero

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