Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon

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Clicking on her tab, Sora hummed as she brought up a screen. 'This should be interesting.

"Ok, guys, here's the next one!" Everyone quickly settled down back on their seats, silently chatting amongst themselves as they wait for the world to load.

Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon

"Odd-eyes Raging Dragon, what a weird title." Iida blurted, many others agreeing with him.

The screen burst to life with a close-up of Izuku, his eyes covered and his fist clenched, shaking. His gritted teeth grew larger as his hair floated a little.

"What's happening" Momo questioned as she and a female version of Monoma looked puzzled at their monsters as they back away. 

"Woah, what are those!?" Both classes shouted, surprised by the creatures. Even the teachers were surprised.

"Those are duel Monsters, this world resolves around card games, mainly duel monsters. As to how they are virtualized, they have a technology called Solid Vision. This tech allows the card they play to come to life.

There is actually a whole lot more going on in this small scene but I'll leave you in suspense" Storm explained, ignoring the protest for more information.

"The parasite Fusioners are....afraid?" Both girls looked toward Izuku as he talks, wary of what he would do.

"You're all trying to act all Mighty animals...but insects are insects!" The ferocity of his dark crimson eyes released crazy intensity as a dark aura formed behind and above him, forming into a shadow of a gigantic dragon, intimating both girls as they look forth.

"Magic Card, the Phantom Knights of Poseidon.-" Places the card on his duel disk, activating the said card, "An XYZ monster I control is treated as the level of another monster on the field." Another face was seen for a split second, a boy with light purple hair, spiked softly to one side, wearing a black choker, whilst also having a dirty green and black coat over him. His features were scarily similar to Izuku. " My Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon takes Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's Level 7! "

"Did anyone notice that?" Aizawa asked his colleagues, only receiving negative and clueless responses. He grumbled under his breath and focused back on the screen. 'Maybe I'll get my answer soon '

Storm who noticed his reaction only stayed silent.

"I overlay my Level 7 Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Both dragons behind him turned into beams of purple, shooting into a portal that open at the feet of Izuku, bringing out a larger monster. " Dragon with dichromatic eyes! Resurrect from the deep darkness and burn everything in the world with flames of anger!   


Come forth, Rank 7! The blazing dragon called by calamity! The Supreme King Violent Dragon, Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!"

'There it is again'

"Damn, that's so cool!!"

"Yeah, beat their asses, Deku!"


"Sounds like something that Bakugou would do, never thought Midoriya would be like this...kind of unnerving"


"Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon effect, I detach all Overlay Units and all other cards on the field are destroyed, and it gains 200 ATK for each one!"

"Idiot, did you forget?" Monoma grin.

" Because of Parasite Generator, Parasite Monsters can't be destroyed. And because of Parasite Plant's effect, this protection is doubled." 

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