The New Guest

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Everyone in the theatre now was just moving around, chatting idly with each other about what they have seen so far since they have gotten there.

The UA staff were sitting together at a corner, piping in at some time to give their input in their conversation.

"Now, what do you all think of the universe we all saw just now."

"Problem child one and two definitely is finding something from us. They clearly know that 'Shun' person personally and Bakugou wouldn't budge regardless of how many times we ask him."

"Yeah, Sho is right. That fierce little listener wouldn't even budge even if we constantly bug him to tell us and it also seemed that Midoriya wouldn't tell us either. His mouth is sealed that like a tightly shut clam."

"Hmm, I propose we wait. I believe that maybe, we don't have to figure out this problem on our own." Nezu hummed in thought.

"What made you say that? You can't honestly believe everything we saw right, Nezu? It could be a trap or something." Vlad contradicted against him.

"While that is a possibility, I did not suggest dropping all of our guards for the safety of our students. However, the universe before this one is and has been confirmed by the students themselves, regardless of them being the victim or culprit, to be real." Countered Nezu. " At the same time, during our small break, I noticed that one of our new friends seemed a bit antsy. They said something about a new face we would meet."

"But that could possibly be a new face in the next universe, couldn't it?" All might chime in confusion, getting a happy nod from the smaller.

"Just wait and see, everyone.   Wait and see."

(After talking)

Everyone was back in their seats and (some) are waiting patiently for the next universe to play. Sora clapped her hands together, " Alright everyone, before we start, I actually need some of you for something. Could Eraserhead, Nezu, Bakugou, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Mina please enter the unsuspicious-looking door?"

With a wave of her hand, a door miraculously popped up behind her as if it had been there the whole time. The said people looked at her in suspicious but she avoided their gaze as they nontheless followed her directions and entered the room together.

"What do you think is so important that specific people are called into a different room?" Momo asked in question as she got comfy on her seat next to Jirou.

" I don't even want to know, wherever Bakugou and Midoriya go, chaos follows them. Even in an empty room, I bet they can make something happen we have never expected." Sero huffed in memory.

"True" replied the remains of Class 1-A and staff teachers. Class 1-B could only look at their other classmates and teachers in shock and worry. 

"Are they mentally ok!? 

They're crazy motherfuckers!! "

"So in the meantime, I will be showing you some memes, photos and other shits to pass the time while the others inside are dealing with all the drama." Storm said, pulling a tablet out and pressing some buttons as the screen lights up."

"MEMES!!!!" The bakusquad cheered in glee together with other memers.

"First one."


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