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"Ok guys, this is it, you will be seeing what Shun is doing right now in a birds-eye view, third-person view, or from someone's perspective which will most likely be from her. And you don't have to worry about her knowing about this, I kept security tight enough to not let her know about this.

Though, I do have to say with the way things are, you guys are honestly really lucky to have landed on this world to see. Different sides to yourselves and definitely a different side to your new friend, so keep in mind that what you see about Shun is not completely true or false. With that, let's start shall we?" Everyone kept quiet at her words and kept in mind of what she said when watching the film. Thought some are rather curious of why would she phrase her words like that.

From the audience's view, they could be seen moving forward to the back of a building where they could see their guest walking to a back door sipping on a drink she no doubts bought beforehand. Her attire was no longer the same as what she wore the last time they saw her but rather a black wave shoulder-free, long sleeve shirt with a shawl over her shoulder and trousers skirt.

"Holy...!!" Kirishima was shocked by his girlfriend's beauty that he was now burning as red as his hair color and holding his nose up high to keep the blood in.

"Ya good there kiri~?" Mina teases her bestie as she watches him struggle to hold in his shock. He nodded his head and tried to quickly recover.

"Let's j-just continue watching."    " You mean staring at your girlfriend?" "Shush"

"I'm late to the party, boys~?" She asked, standing in front of two big guys guarding the back door. They shook their heads and bowed to her before letting her pass.

The view then follows Shun into the building as she walks up a flight of stairs to a room where three individuals await her. "Boys~, what did I miss?"

One of them who was leaning on a table rose and walked into the light, showing red spiked hair wearing a black suit with a white inner shirt but with no tie. He walks towards her and wrapped her arms around her frame. " Been waiting for you, pebble~💕" Smooth, thin hands sleeked their ways around his next as his lover turns and hugs him, giving him a short kiss. "Hello, baby. Miss you too 💕"

" We just found their base of operation, we're going to storm it tonight. There will be a meeting held later with the rest of the gang." The other figure said, tossing her a thin file which she caught, and walking into the light with the last person showing familiar faces. 

"Oh my Gosh, Kiri!!"     "Deku/Bakugou!!??"

These two resonated in the room as two different scenarios took place. One, Kirishima had officially fainted on Mina at the scene where he saw himself being intimate with his girlfriend. And the second is that everyone was shocked when they saw Izuku and Bakugou being intimate with each other, as in, hugging couple kind of intimacy.

"Deku, you're together with Bakugou!!??" Uraraka shouted. Deku could only meekly nod and he squeaked when he was suddenly lifted up for a moment and placed on someone's lap. When he looked up, he realized it was his boyfriend and immediately calmed down, patting his incredibly soft blond hair whilst he was being hugged.

"Deku's mine, and only mine." He growled possessively. "Now we are fucking exposed so now we can do whatever we want."


"Nobody going to talk about the fact that they are about to storm a place? No? ok"

"So? what do we need? Guns, Knives, snipers? Bombs? man-handling?" Shun asked, now being carried by Kirishima bridal style, flipping through the file she is given, drinks forgotten.

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