More Moments Exposed...

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"Well since the past clip was rather emotional for you guys, I'll let you guys watch something that I'm sure some of you will love~," Sora said with a mischievous grin.

"Is it TEA!?" Mina shot out of her seat, bouncing in anticipation, and squealed when she got a grin shooting at her. "Who, WHO IS IT!?"

"M-Mina, calm down, you're scary everybody with your energy..." Sero quickly pulled her down back to her seat, sweatdropping.

"Well, you know about this, my dear tea companion, but it is none other than the oh so mysterious elemental couple~ KiriShun."


"Wait, WHAT!?" Said duo shouted, unexpecting to be suddenly exposed.

"Sora, I did not say that was ok at all!! The hell are you even thinking!?"

"Not manly not asking our permission first."

"So you're saying if I asked, you would have agreed? "

"I..we..." Shun had no word to say, only resigning to their fate, and snuggled close to Eijirou, sitting on his lap and laying her head back on Eijirou's broad chest.

"Fine, as long as it's nothing too embarrassing or personal." She groans, Eijirou also nodded his head in agreement.

"Great!! So I'm going to show you how they met." She tapped on her screen and projects the clip on the big screen, ignoring the loud protest behind her.


(Memory Clip playing)

Mustafa Private Middle School

"Hey!! Stop what you two are doing right there, it isn't manly of you guys to bully that boy!!" A young boy showed up on the screen, red eyes, sharp teeth, and almost shoulder-length black hair jogging up to a pair of boys slightly bigger than him towering over another student sitting on the floor.

"Crap, it's him, let's go." they took off, leaving the boy behind on the floor and running away from the scene.

"Damn, Kiribro, even in Middle School, your already so heroic."

"There are bullies in your school?"

"So cool!"

"Thanks, guys, yeah there are bullies in my school but they don't do much, just some vandalization and trash-talking."

"At least it's better than my Middle School," Izuku whispered under his breath, remembering his struggles then even with Katsuki by his side. Katsuki who heard him only brought him closer.

"Damn Kirishima, you scared them away." Another boy caught up to him and watched as the other two ran away. 

"That would be better, I hate bullies.

 Hey, you ok little guy?" Kirishima held out a hand but the other looked at him in fear and ran away.

"Guess you scared even him away." his friend spoke. " c'mon let's get to class, I heard we have a transfer student from another school downtown." Kirishima lingers a bit before following in his friends' footsteps to head back to his class. Though on the way, he bumped into a female. A rather beautiful female.

Eijirou could only blush at the description given while Shun silently snickers.

"I-I am so sorry, Ma'am. I didn't see where I was going, are you alright?" Kirishima bowed. The female above him stared at his form in silence not moving, making him uncomfortable. "It's fine, I should go." She briskly walks away leaving Kirishima there in the hallways all alone.

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