Chapter 2

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Nene always thought of which course she should pick in college.

She loves gardening, taking care of her precious vegetables, fruits and plants. So, in the end she decided to study for botanist. It would be useful; she can learn more details in plants.

Nene once asked Aoi what she wanted to study for, through one of their phone conversations. Aoi told her she wanted to take the fashion designing course.

Well, it suits Aoi!

Aoi also had talked to her about the courses their friends were taking.

Lemon was taking the computer tech course. You might know why; despite the number of times, you see him always on his phone.

Akane was also taking the computer tech course. Mainly because the computer tech student's classroom is right next to the fashion designing student's classroom, he wanted to keep an eye on Aoi, his true love.

Kou didn't want to join college since he was going to become an exorcist. There was no need to go to college for that. But since all his friends were going, he decided to join anyway. So, Kou chose photography since Mitsuba was taking that course.

Mitsuba didn't mind Kou for choosing the same course as he did.

Sakura always wanted to write a book of her own. She always read books. So, she ended up joining the professional writing course.

Natsuhiko didn't know what course he should choose. So, he chose the same course his lady chose. And he was happy with his decision.

Tsukasa wanted to study on anatomy, so he picked the anatomy doctor course.

And at last, Amane wanted to study for astrologist. It was his dream and goal to go to the moon. He loved the stars and wanted to learn more about space.

The bus stopped a few meters away in the distance, from the college's entrance gate. Lots of people stepped outside from the bus, including our heroine, Nene Yashiro.

Kamome College.

It was in construction when she was attending Kamome Academy. She always knew Kamome College was three streets away from Kamome Academy.

Now it looked so big and neat, students were going in those buildings.

Nene entered the gates and looked around in awe. The place was much bigger than she had expected it to be.

Nene proceeded walking in but was interrupted by a familiar voice.


It was Aoi!

Nene gasped and turned around, but was immediately hugged by her best friend. She returned the hug and they separated, looking at each other, happily.

"Aoi! I missed you so much!" Nene said, happily.

Aoi looked so beautiful. She was wearing the same hair style she wore since little. Either way, Nene was happy to see one of her old friends. That too her only best friend!

"Me too! I'm so happy now! You're finally here!" Aoi said giggling happily, holding their hands as they walked in together.

Nene smiled. It was good that Aoi never changed.


Err....and Akane too.

"He never changes, does he?" Nene asked as they both looked at Akane running towards them, from the distance.

"Nope!~" Aoi giggled. "No one in our group never changed anyway."

So, no one changed, huh? Well, it's good in a way.

"Aoi-chan! Why didn't you wait for me?" Akane pants, as he held onto his knees.

"Sorry, Akane-kun!~ I just saw Nene-chan and I got excited! Hehe!~" Aoi said, giggling at him.

Akane looked at Aoi, lovestruck. "Aoi-chan, you have such a lovely voice!"

"Hmm....5 points!" Aoi said, with her hand on her cheek, looking at Akane, smiling.

"AAH! That's better than last time!" Akane beamed, fist pumping in the air, clearly in his own world.

"He still doesn't seem to realize that it is out of a hundred...." Aoi sighed, looking at Nene who was giggling.

"Come on! Let him have it!" Nene laughed. Seriously, their routine never changed.

Aoi just shook her head, smiling and dragged Nene inside.

"Let's go, Nene-chan! We'll be late for classes."

They parted their ways once Nene found her class.

"Nene-chan I'll pick you up at lunch! Bye!~"

"Sure! Bye!"

And with that Nene went into her classroom.


Nene walked nervously, with her lunch tray in her hand.

She was supposed to meet her friends at a table, Aoi was leading her there right now.

Why does she feel super nervous? Her palms were like getting sweatier every second they walked closer and closer to the table.

Nene saw the familiar faces of her friends, all busy chatting with each other. They all seemed pretty excited. Was it because of the news of her arrival?

Aoi must have told them that she was coming back.

Nene knew what would happen, when Akane spotted Aoi. Akane's eyes lit up in joy, when he saw Aoi walking towards the table he was sitting in.

"AOI-CHAN!!!" Akane exclaimed.

Akane turned to look at Nene. "Hi Yashiro-san!"

Nene sputtered. "I just saw you this morning! Why a 'hi' now?!"

Seriously? She just saw him this morning and he didn't even bother to glance at her or say hi to her! Why now?!

Well, he seemed busy admiring Aoi. That's why he must have forgotten about his surroundings. Same old Akane.

Nene sighed. "Hi....I guess......"

Nene looked around the table, only to find everyone looking at her. Is that excitement she sees in their eye? Because she came back?

They all started talking at once.

"Senpai!" Kou beamed.

"Yashiro-san." Sakura greeted her.

"Hi!~" Natsuhiko grinned.

"Nene-chan!" Tsukasa said with enthusiasm.

"Yo! Yashiro!" Lemon said, without looking up from his phone.

"Yashiro...." Amane said, looking at her softly.

Her crimson eyes met his moon like amber ones, it was like he was gazing right into her inner soul.

Nene froze. Why was her heart fluttering?

Amane was just looking at her, but his look was soft. As if she was the only thing that mattered to him.

Nene shook her head to snap out of her thoughts, she sat down, still feeling Amane eyes on her.

"Hi guys!" Nene said, answering everyone's greetings. But the peaceful moment of reunion was interrupted by a certain cute pink haired boy who was also sitting at their table, Mitsuba.

"Eh?! Daikon-senpai is back!!!!"

Such a way to ruin her mood by calling her 'a daikon.'

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