Chapter 3

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Nene glared at Mitsuba.

Talking about rude!

She hated it when people call her 'a daikon', it makes her totally insecure. Before she could defend herself, Kou bet her to it.

"Hey! Don't call Senpai like that!" Kou shouted at Mitsuba. "She just came!"

Oh. Wasn't it so sweet of Kou to defend her? Nene smiled to herself. Kou was just sweet sometimes.

"Eeh?! What did you say, traffic safety lame ass earrings?"

"And don't call me that either!!!!" Kou was looking at Mitsuba, annoyed by the nicknames.

Nene decided to ignore their fight, for now. It's not like they would listen if she told them to stop their fight. She looked down at her tray of food, she was so hungry. She still felt Amane's gaze on her. She felt her cheeks burn red in embarrassment. Why was he looking at her? Did she have something on her face?

Nene ignored him, the best she can, and started eating her lunch.

Aoi kept talking to her about how the full group can finally have a sleepover, and Nene listened to her talk, while eating. Akane was also listening to Aoi as he was sitting on the other side of her, Akane would listen to Aoi forever.

Nene was half way through her meal.

She didn't even know when Amane slide right next to her, until he leaned into her personal space. "Hmm...? Yashiro?~"

Nene watched as a smirk formed on his face.

"Did you miss me?~" He hummed. She could feel his breath fanning her face. Nene started turning red due to how much close he was.

"Y-yes!" She squeaked, as he came closer to her.

She was pulled into his chest, his arms around her waist, her head under his chin, both her hands on his chest deciding whether she should push him away or not.

Nene didn't know if she could get any redder. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Tsukasa giving a thumbs up to his brother. But why? She also saw Lemon snap a photo.

This was just a hug! Come on! Besides he was always clingy! Right?

But the way he was holding her didn't look exactly like just a hug. He was holding her gently as if they were a couple or something and....and....this felt different. She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach, it tickled.

Nene tried to get rid of her silly thoughts as he whispered in her ears.

"I missed you too you know...." His grip on her tightened causing her to go to more shades of red. Just what was he doing right now!? "Say...."

She starting to feel dizzy from his close proximity. She couldn't handle this, what's going on?! Is he going to confess to her?! If so, it still excites her for some reason! Even though he's like not her type at all! Nene waited for his next words, eagerly.

".... how's your daikon legs?"

Her heart dropped. She could hear the teasing in his voice. Oh no, he did just not say that! Such a way to ruin the moment.

Before he knew it, he was headbutted by her. "OW!" He yelped.

But Nene only huffed in response. He's always misleading and teasing her on. "Amane-kun, you JERK!"

Nene sat back down and hid her face in her arms. She was totally not crying! She should have seen that coming. He's always like this, sexually harassing her. Did she forget to mention that sometimes he can be a pervert? Well, now you know!

"Eeeeh!? Amane what did you say to make Nene-chan upset?!" Tsukasa said, looking at his brother who was getting up from the ground, rubbing his poor 'headbutted' head.

"N-nothing..." Amane mumbled. He really didn't mean to say that to her. He sighed.

Nene peeked out from her arms, to look at his face, clearly. His face looked like he didn't mean to tell her those words. He looked so disturbed about it. Nene's eyes softened.

Now she felt really bad for headbutting him, it must have really pained a lot.

Nene quickly stopped peeking, hiding farther in her arms, when he turned to look at her. She was still feeling guilty for headbutting him.

Amane looked at her, sadly. He really didn't mean to make her upset. He really didn't. He just wasn't good at expressing his feelings. He was also afraid that if she knew how much he loved her, she might get disgusted and never be his friend again. He wasn't her type after all.

Amane sighed.

The truth is he loved her for who she is. He loved every part of her, including her unique daikon legs. Amane enjoys it when she blushes just because he's in her personal space, it was so cute.

"Yashiro I-"

"It's okay!" Nene interrupted him, looking up from her arms. Amane looked at her, taken back by her interruption.

Nene sighed and tried again. "It's okay. I'm not upset." Plus calling her a happened in regular basis. Right?

Amane slowly nodded, taking his seat beside Tsukasa, still feeling a little bad.

"Don't worry about it..." Nene murmured, as she prepared herself to finish eating the rest of her lunch.

Lemon, who was sitting beside Amane on the other side, nudged him. "Bro, that was a terrible timing!" He snickered.

Akane looked over at them. "You should just confess already." Akane said, bluntly.

"Easy for you to say...." Amane sighed with relief, that Nene wasn't listening to their conversation. She was busy talking to Aoi, while she ate.

How was it even easy for Akane to confess his feeling for Aoi? It was terribly tough for him!

"Amane! You should just kiss her!" Tsukasa grinned, when he saw his brother's face turn red.

"T-tsukasa!" Amane stuttered, embarrassed. He hoped Nene didn't hear that. He's lucky that she was still occupied with Aoi.

"When you do, tell me if kisses taste like lemon!" Tsukasa was pouting at him childishly, with his arms crossed.

Amane sputtered. How could his brother just say that without getting embarrassed at all?! He was lucky when Natsuhiko turned the conversation from 'kisses taste like lemon'.

"Hey! Why don't you apologize to her genuinely?" Natsuhiko suggested. "Right, my lady?"

He was about to place a hand on Sakura's shoulder, only to get his hand hit by her book she had been reading with. "Don't touch me." She said, sternly.

Natsuhiko sighed, looking lovestruck. "She loves me so much that she doesn't want me to touch her!~" Everyone turned to look at him when he started saying that sentence.

Nene was practically sweat dropping. "That doesn't make sense."

Everyone else agreed with what she said. She was right, it did not make sense at all!

Soon the bell rang, signalling everyone that lunchtime is over. Nene and the others all walked back in, in a group, after keeping the trays in the tray bin.

Before she left to go to her class, she noticed Amane looking at her with those longing amber moon-like eyes.

She was now sure it was only for her.

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