Chapter 7

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"What!? You're planning to do a side by side course?!" Aoi exclaimed, almost choking on the water she drank.

Nene almost dropped her chopsticks at Aoi's outburst. They were currently with the gang as usual and eating sushi for lunch. Everyone in the canteen stared at them.

"Aoi! Not so loud!" Nene whined, as she elbowed her lightly.

"Oops..." Aoi murmured watching everyone turn back minding their own business, then looked at Nene raising an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're doing this because some boy said to...."

Nene glared at her, huffing. "Of course not!" She pouted. "Who do you think I am?!"

Aoi sighed, keeping her bottle down on the table. "Nene-chan. I'm just concerned. You fall in love so easily..."

"Well, you do too!" Nene shot back, instantly.

"But Nene-chan! I'm in love with someone for real! And you just keep on chasing boys for love!" Aoi said, fiddling with her own chopsticks. "And it's the truth." She added, before Nene could even open her mouth to defend herself.

After few seconds, Nene spoke. "W-who? I mean who is the guy?" She asked, unsure.

Aoi smiled, then cupped her hands over Nene's ears and whispered. "Akane-kun." Nene pulled back and looked at Aoi, eyes wide. "For real?"

Aoi nodded, smiling. Nene furrowed her eyebrows. "But I thought...."

"Well, here's the thing. It's true that I too fall in love so easily but I've realized that we first should look around and notice the people we are familiar with. And I've realized that I've been so blind." Aoi finished.

"I-I didn't know that!" Nene said, stunned.

Aoi patted Nene's head, then smiled. "Here's a little advise, Nene-chan! You need to also open your eyes and realize that someone here might be having feelings for you! ~"


Aoi only giggled at Nene's confused state.

"Oh, Nene-chan! You're too naïve! ~" She cooed. She took a bite from her sushi and spoke again.

"Anyway, what course?" Aoi asked, all of a sudden curious.

Nene blinked out of her confusion and sighed happily. "I'm gonna become a manga artist!" She beamed.

Sakura who was sitting next to Nene heard that and turned toward her. "That sounds fun." She spoke, calmly.

And pretty soon everyone was in the conversation after Sakura spoke.

"Eeeh? Then why study botanist?" Tsukasa questioned.

"There is a reason it's called a side by side course, Tsukasa!" Amane sighed.

"I think this course suits you more, Nene-chan!" Aoi said, grinning.

"Yes! It's true, Aoi-chan!" Akane was beaming. Nene could literally feel his love for Aoi radiating from him.

Lemon snapped a photo. "I gotta post this."

Akane tried to grab his phone. "Hey! Akane stop that!" Lemon complained, as he dodged his attempts easily.

"Don't take photos of my Aoi-chan!"

"W-what?! I was taking a photo of everyone, Akane!" Lemon sighed.

"Whoa! Chill boys!" Natsuhiko separated the two.

Nene just rolled her eyes, and turned to look at Kou when he spoke. "I think its awesome, Senpai!" He said, excitedly, light blush dusted his cheek.

Nene didn't know why but it seemed like it was now Mitsuba's turn to roll his eyes at what Kou told her.

"Aw! Thanks Kou-kun!" She gushed, and noticed Mitsuba roll his eyes the second time.

Amane's eyes twitched at their affectionate display. He knows that Kou's also in love with Nene and that just makes it look even worst, according to him.

Tsukasa could only look between Kou and Nene in disappointment as they started chatting together, a faint blush was still on Kou's cheek.

Kou had exchanged his place with Sakura to sit next to Nene, and Amane was not happy. Kou knew that Amane was also in love wit her! He sighed. It's not like he could blame Kou cause Kou was also in love with her too.

Amane was about to start sulking when Tsukasa shoved a sushi in his mouth all of a sudden. Amane almost choked but was able to successfully shove the food down his throat.

He was about to open his mouth but Tsukasa bet him to it. "Don't worry, Amane. You're engaged to Nene, remember? Besides you got me for help! ~" He whispered, grinning.

Amane nodded slowly, taking in his words, and somewhat also relieved by his words too. Oh, what would he ever do without his twin?

Amane's eyebrows furrowed as he thought deeply. But what if Nene falls in love with Kou instead of him?

"Tsukasa, what if Yashiro falls in love with Kou?!" Amane whispered in panic.

"Nah! That's not gonna happened. I won't let that happened! I'll take care of everything! Don't be such a baby, Amane! ~" Tsukasa whispered back; a smirk visible on his face.

"I'm not a baby!" He whispered, harshly.

Tsukasa continued giggling and got smacked on the head making him stop laughing. He was still trying hard not to laugh, as he covered his mouth with his hands.

Amane's attention went back to Nene as she stood up and posed dramatically. Amane had to smack Tsukasa on the head again since he started laughing again.

It was probably because of how Nene stood up; it was actually fun.

"Since I am a huge romantic, I wanna do romantic manga's!" Nene said, as she sighed dramatically with happiness.

Amane decided to tease her. "Oh my! Such scandalous thought you have! Yashiro, you dirty daikon! ~" He teased, and smirked when he saw her face go red.

She looked at him, glaring, her cheeks still red as ever. She looked stunning even when she was angry at him.

"Don't make me come over there." She threatened, it was a warning of 'I am going to headbutt you right now.'

"Hey! Stop harassing Senpai, Amane!" Kou grunted.

The moment was interrupted by a very familiar voice.

"Well, well, it's never dull around here for you kids, huh?"

They all turned to look at the source and spoke in unison at the person who had just encounter them.


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