Chapter 19

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Nene, Amane and Tsukasa sat on the sofa, and started eating the cup of ice cream that was in their hands.

Amane frowned.

"Tsukasa, the ice cream doesn't look like its melted..." He said, sharply, before taking a scoop and putting it in his mouth.

Tsukasa stopped eating to look at Amane, and smirked.

"I lied." He said, smugly.


Nene giggled, as she watched them start bickering back and forth with one another. She continued eating her cup of ice cream. She was so focused on eating her ice cream cup, that she didn't notice that both of the twins had stopped bickering.

Amane leaned into her personal space, and breathed on her ear, she jumped in surprise. But he was quick to pull her onto his lap.

He chuckles and she yelps in embarrassment.

"A-Amane-kun!" She squeaks, when she feels the line of his nose in her neck. He only grunted and Nene turns more red.

Tsukasa's face twisted with uneasiness as he watched their interaction.

"Ew. If you're going to do things like that, don't do it in front of me!" He complained, looking like he was completely grossed out.

"Sorry, its your fault for interrupting us." Amane mumbled into her skin, tightening his grip making Nene squeak again.

Tsukasa snickered; his eyes mischievous.

"Well.... it's your fault for smooching loudly!" He then smirked. "I bet even the neighbours could hear you guys! You're lucky that mom and dad's room is in the third corridor."

Amane whipped his head to look at Tsukasa, face all flustered.

"W-what?! Tsukasa?!" He shrieked, turning redder when his smirk widened. He composed himself as best as he could, and then opened his mouth.

"Don't say things like that!" He says, with a harsh whisper, his cheeks are still flushed. When Tsukasa kept showing his smug smile, Amane felt like he wanted to hit it right off of his face.

Tsukasa grinned and then twisted his face into an innocent one.

"Are you sure you weren't doing it?" He asked, curiously. Nene looked at him, confused. Doing what?

"It?" She asked, trying to figure out what he meant, then her eyes widened in realisation.

"No, we weren't!" She yelled, hitting Tsukasa on the head, he laughed in response. Nene glared at him, she's now red in embarrassment.

When Amane realised what they were talking about, he was redder than Nene. "Tsukasa!" He hissed, embarrassed. Tsukasa's laughter increased. He dodged as Amane tried to grab him.

And before Amane knew it, Tsukasa was running away, laughter echoing through the big house. Amane groaned, and then opened his mouth annoyed, already chasing his younger twin brother.

"Tsukasa! Get back here!" He shouted, but Tsukasa cackled and ran away with speed.

Nene was dumbfounded. She then realised that she was left alone on the couch all by herself. It took her 5 seconds to process the situation. She hastily stood up from where she had been sitting.

"H-hey! Wait, you guys!" She said, and tried to catch up with them.

But she only ended up behind Amane, while Amane chased Tsukasa. Nene huffed in disbelief as they ran. What were they?! Three years old toddlers?!

In the end, they managed to run all around the house shouting and laughing. Nene was the only one who was panting as she ran behind the twins. Why was she even chasing them? She didn't know.

But she was lucky when they stopped. Nene crashed into Amane's back and rubbed her head with her hand. Ow.

"Amane Yugi and Tsukasa Yugi, go to bed now!"

Oh no. Now she sees what had stopped them from running. Mrs. Yugi was staring at both of the boys in disbelief.

"Now." She repeated, shutting Tsukasa's attempt to speak. Tsukasa tried again. "But the ice cream-" He begin.

"You can eat it in your rooms. Go." She said, mother-like scary aura coming from her. They didn't waste a minute to scramble away.

Nene yelped in surprise when Amane quickly swooped her into his arms. "W-what's going on?!" She squealed, as he ran, she wrapped her arms around his neck and stayed close, afraid that she might fall.

"Calm down, my moon." Amane teased, as they reached the couch once more. He bends down a little and Nene reached for both of their ice cream cups that had been abandon a minute ago.

Then he ran up the stair making her nervous. What if they fell? She then noticed when they reached Amane's room.

Tsukasa had already made his escape, and was probably eating ice cream in his own bedroom.

Amane gently placed her on the bed, she sat upright. He went to sit behind her and Nene handed him his ice cream cup. Both of them ate their ice creams, happily, enjoying its flavour. Ah, so good...

Amane places his cup on the nearby counter and then grabs her own ice cream cup and does the same. He pulls her into a hug. She whimpers when he trails kisses along her neck.

Before she knows it, she's pinned on the bed by him. They share lots of deep kisses and touches before getting tired.

Nene's eyes soon droop to a peaceful slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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