Chapter 14

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Tsukasa stopped chewing on his cookie when he heard her voice. He turned around, his intense amber eyes wide, in surprise as he looked at her.

"Nene? What are you doing down here?" He asked, taking a bite. "Did you also come down to get a midnight snack?!"

He liked the idea. It would be nice if she joined him.

Nene shook out of her pale daze. Who was she kidding when she said that this was going to be a long night?

"No! Er...I couldn't sleep!" She said, waving her hand awkwardly. She didn't want to tell anyone about the nightmare she had. Nene then raised an eyebrow when he continued eating his cookie.

"Is this even legal?" She questioned, suspicious.

Tsukasa chuckled. "Nope! I'm illegally vandalizing these babies." He grinned, as Nene looked at him with disbelief.

"Let me get this straight. So, you come down here every night-midnight- just to eat cookies?!" She said, still looking at him, with disbelief, then added. "And your family doesn't know?"

Tsukasa smiled, and replied with his fangs visible. "Yup!" He beamed.

Nene rolled her eyes. Obviously, this was something Tsukasa would do. It was just obvious. She was just surprised no one figured out yet. Actually, she wouldn't have known either if she hadn't come down.

"So...if I tell your parents and brother...about this...what would you do?" She asked, curiously. What would he do? She wondered.

Tsukasa looked deep in thought. The he looked at her with a devilish smirk. Oh no. This is Tsukasa we are talking about. Of course, he would have a way to stop her!

"Well, I would tell our friends..." He said, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "...that Amane smooched you!"

But she really didn't expect him to say this!

Nene looked at him, her mouth agape.

"W-what?! How in the world did you know that!?" She whispered harshly, glaring at him.

Tsukasa shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal. He took another cookie and closed the jar for good. That was enough vandalizing for today night.

"I had my ears up to the door when Amane went back inside! I heard smooching sounds!" He said, a slow smile spreading on his face. Nene eyes twitched.

He really had no shame. Like at all. She kept looking at him as he licked the remaining crumbs off of her fingers. He went to the sink and washed his hands. Good. At least he was hygienic. He turned around.

"So, did it taste like lemons?!" He asked, hyped up. Nene blushed at the question and thought about it.

Well...she wouldn't say it tasted like lemons...

The kiss was tempting and it felt hot. His lips were soft as silk, she liked it. She liked it when he deepened the kiss, then started to tease her by nibbling gently on her lower lip. She liked it when his tongue slipped into her mouth. She liked it when he squeezed her breast-

Nene shook her head, scandalized. God, she had such a perverted mind to notice all these things.

"Um...there was no taste..." She mumbled, hiding her face in her hands. She can't believe that she was in this situation. This was so embarrassing.

Tsukasa kept looking at her intensely. He broke the silence after who knows how long.

"Was it good?" He looked at her, curiosity reflecting his eyes.

Nene stammered.

"U-um...I...w-well I-I d-don't k-know!" She noticed the clock on the kitchen counter.


"Eh?! Its so late! I gotta go sleep. Uh...goodnight, Tsukasa-kun!" She squeaked, as she quickly walked out of the kitchen. She heard a faint 'goodnight' as she walked up the stairs, quickly.

Was it good?

Nene hated to admit it. But she actually liked the kiss. She was never going to admit it to anyone. Hopefully.

She entered Amane's room and laid down in her place, but kept herself at a safe distance from him. Being closer to him only made her more flustered.

She blinked.

She thought she saw someone at the corner of the room. A boy wearing an old gakuran with an old cap. Hat covering half of his face with white tseushiros beside him.

'Goodnight, Yashiro. ~'

His voice was fond, with a sense of tease behind it. Nene rubbed her eyes, a little breathless. The room was empty. No one was there. It was her imagination.

She smiled faintly into the darkness.

"Goodnight, Hanako-kun..."

She hoped her story would be a huge success.


Nene doesn't have much time left. And Hanako knew that. He knew that Nene had only less than a year to live.

And Hanako couldn't help but want to save her. He started caring for her deeply. But she shouldn't. He wasn't supposed to.

He never cared about who died and who lived. He cared for this girl though. Why?

But before he knew it, he started realizing that he was slowly falling in love with this girl.

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