Chapter 12

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Nene sat stiffly between her parents in the taxi.

It's me, Nene Yashiro! Your one and only heroine of this story! Just moments ago, I eavesdropped on a conversation that my parents had. And then figured out that I am engaged to Amane-kun! Just what in the world was going on?!

Nene couldn't even believe she had heard that.

This is what happens if you snoop on other people's conversations, probably. Nene had so many thoughts running in her head.

Why hasn't Amane ever told her about this? Why was she even engaged to him? Was he in love with her?

Nene frowned.

But he's always teasing me....

It can't be.

He's not in love with her, right?

Nene looked at her clenched fist.

Well, she doesn't know that for sure.

After hearing the conversation, Nene had barged into the hotel room, acting like she had just arrived then. And her parents didn't even know she had been outside the whole time.

Nene noticed her ring shine in the evening sun rays.

What if...this is the engagement ring?!

It had to be, right? How did she not notice this before?

Nene grumbled. Well, she would have known if someone had told her properly. She kept her eyes ahead on the road.

Her heart was thumping anxiously much to her dismay. How was she ever going to face him after hearing all of that?

Maybe she could just pretend that she hadn't heard any of that. Hehe. Right. She can't do that. This was serious business, okay?!

"Nene dear, are you okay?" Mrs. Yashiro asked, her arms around her daughter's shoulders, concerned. "Oh my! You look red!"

At this point, her dad was also looking at her, heck even the driver seemed to be glancing at her from the rearing mirror.

"I-I'm f-fine!" She stammered.

She moved one of her hands to cover her forehead. "I-It's j-just that I'm w-worried about my a-assignment! It looks a little t-tough!" She managed to squeak out.

Nene knew she was as red as a tomato. The thought of being engaged to Amane made her stomach flutter. But he wasn't even her type...or was he?

Nene shook her head to get rid of her thoughts about him.

"Oh. If you need help you can ask me, Nene. Don't worry." Mr. Yashiro assured her.


The taxi soon stopped in front of a huge red house and Nene looked at the house with awe. It was so big!

She's visited the twins house before, back when she was little but doesn't remember much. It was like she was seeing this place for the first time.

Nene was stiff when she saw a blob of chopped brown hair pass the window. But was soon wasn't able to sit in the taxi any longer as she pulled out by her one and only dad.

Why was she literally forced to live with the Yugi's? Yeah, right. It was probably because of the engagement.

Her dad and the taxi driver were taking care of the luggage's while Nene watched her mom going to ring the doorbell.

Ding Dong.

Oh no.


The door opened revealing a woman who was in the age of her own mom. She had amber eyes and rich black hair. In fact, she looked beautiful.

Nene recognized who the women was immediately. It was Amane and Tsukasa's mother.

She smiled warmly and welcomed them, greeted them, politely.

Nene stepped into the house, entering through the door, and took in her surroundings. The inside of the house was neatly arranged.

Nene's mom and dad were busy talking Mrs. Yugi so Nene decided to politely sit on the couch without interrupting their conversation.

That's when a voice spoke almost making her jump out of her skin.

"Nene! Hi!" Tsukasa said, excitedly, as he jumped onto the couch beside her.

Nene almost freaked out in shock. Seriously, she almost had a heart attack! He seriously needed to stop giving her surprise attacks.

Nene had her hand placed on top of where her heart was, her heart beat was going wild.

"Tsukasa-kun! How many times do I tell you not to scare me like this?" She said, scolding at him lightly. Tsukasa only kept grinning and clinged onto her.

"But, Nene! I'm so happy to see you!" He beamed.

Tsukasa was thrown off of Nene by Amane in seconds.

"Hi, Yashiro!" Amane greeted her. Nene giggled as she looked at Amane and Tsukasa fighting childishly with each other.

She rolled her eyes. As usual.

Nene hit them both on the head earning an 'ow' from the two.

"Stop fighting!" She said, sternly.

"Yes, madam!" Both twins said, simultaneously.

Nene sighed, why do they keep doing that? Anyway, Nene looked at Amane. Oh my god, she almost forgot that she was engaged to Amane!


Nene felt herself getting flustered as his moon-like amber eyes gazed at her.

Ugh, act innocent and cool, Nene! You can do it!

She cleared her throat. "So, Amane-kun...why didn't you tell me?" She said, coolly, and for the side effects she huffed raising an eyebrow at him.

Amane looked a little scared, the emotion was reflected through his eyes.

"W-what d-didn't I tell y-you?" He stammered, under her intense look. Amane started panicking. Did she actually find out that they were engaged?

"Silly, Amane-kun! Why didn't you tell me I was going to be staying in your house! You could have told me before itself you know!" Nene exclaimed; her intense look was completely gone.

Amane let out an unknown sigh, relieved for a second. Heck, that was scary.

"Nene, it was a surprise!" Tsukasa smirked, glancing at his twin. "Right, Amane?"

Amane scratched the back of his head, smiling at Nene sheepishly.

"Yeah, it was a surprise, Yashiro." He said, a grin forming on his face. Nene blinked.

"Ok..." She said, blinking a little confused. Did Amane not know she was engaged to him?

The parents came in just then, settling the luggage's. Mrs. Yashiro smiled and kept her hands on both side of her daughter's shoulder to grab her attention.

"Nene." She said, smiling.

"Yes...?" Nene responded, looking at her mom, a little unsure. She felt like her mom was going to say something big.

"You'll be sleeping with Amane. Here is your luggage!" She said sweetly and handed the luggage. "Goodnight, dear!"

Tsukasa took off to who knows where, probably his own bedroom, and the parents left to sleep in Mr and Mrs Yugi's room.

Unfortunately, there was no guestroom so Nene had no other choice but to sleep with Amane. She looked at Amane, nervously.

He was smirking and had this playful look in his eyes. She gulped.

Oh boy, it was definitely going to be a long night.

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