Chapter 6

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Amane was never the one to get along with girls. He just wasn't interested in them as they were not is type.

He was always sticking his nose into astronomy. He loved space deeply and the stars, and the epically glowing moon in the night sky.

He may be a bit of a pervert but Amane was a good boy, also sometimes shy.

Amane was always with the gang, always sticking together, they were an in separatable group.

It was always Tsukasa, Sakura, Lemon, Natsuhiko, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Akane and him who hangout together in their school breaks. They have always been together.

One day a certain girl joined their group. And Amane was happy that he met her, through Aoi of course.

She had long creamy hair with teal tipped green at the ends of her hair. Her eyes were bright crimson as she looked at everyone while Aoi introduced her to them cheerfully.

And she had incredible fat ankles, she was surprisingly just his type.

Amane pretty much soon fell in love with her selflessness.

The more he got to learn about her, the more he fell in love with her kindness. She was sweet, kind, gentle, idealistic, clumsy and had a huge generous heart.

Nene soon became a part of their awesome gang.

Amane learned that she could get easily flustered with just teasing her. And he liked that. It was too cute.

But he had one problem sadly.

He was not her type like at all.

But that didn't discourage him.

Amane can treat her better than all those guys who dumped her. They dumped her because they didn't like her legs. But Amane's favorite part was her legs!

The guys are just missing out everything.

Amane looked at Nene who was talking with Aoi, giggling. He could feel Tsukasa nudging him to start walking, and he did.

On his way out the school gates, he noticed the platinum ring on her finger, which was shining in the sunlight.

It was the engagement ring.

Only his parents, Nene's parents, Tsukasa and himself knew that Nene and himself were engaged. Both Nene's and Amane's parents were already friends and had already decided everything before he knew.

And when he discovered this, boy how happy he was. It was like a dream come true!

Amane was going to show all the love Nene deserves. He will make her fall in love with him. He then would tell her everything about the engagement as a surprise.

Amane could only hope everything turns out well.

He loved her too much!

Nene was like his own personal moon and he would do anything to make her glow.

Amane Yugi was so deeply in love with Nene Yashiro.


The bright morning sunlight wakes up our lovely heroine.

She slowly opened her eyes, only to squint at the brightness. Nene then turned around to snuggle into that warm thing underneath her, which helped her to avoid the sunlight in a way.

Wedding Bells // TBHK (Amanene)Where stories live. Discover now