Chapter 17

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Aoi gently took the bundle of pinned papers from her best friend and the others leaned closer as she did so.

Amane eyed the papers curiously. He was sure the others were curious as he was.

Aoi opened the bundle, smiling as she slowly started looking through the art, the others leaned even more closer including Amane. Akane tried to keep his cool as he watched everyone leaning beside his precious Aoi.

Everyone looked through the drawings amazed.

They were perfect!

"Wow, Nene-chan! You should get these published!" Mei exclaimed, as she admired the drawings with the others.

Nene looked smug. That's why she was entering the Manga contest, to win and find a publisher easily. Its not easy finding a publisher these days.

"Yeah! You should!" Tsukasa said, excitedly.

Aoi nodded but stopped midway and gasped. "Is this me?!" She asked, surprised. Akane whipped his head in an instant.

"What?! I really want to see your drawings now!" Akane screeched, as he looked directly at the papers in Aoi's hand. He leaned in getting a better view. "AOI-CHAN IS DRAWN!? So beautiful..."

He paused as he took notice of something else too. He blinked. "Wait. Is that me?!"

Aoi giggled. "Yes, that's you. Calm down a bit, Akane-kun!" She said, making him close his mouth.

"Hmmm. Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. That's a nice name!" Natsuhiko said, and winked at Nene.

She looked back at him in embarrassment. "Thanks!" She said, smiling awkwardly. She turned when Sakura spoke up.

"Nice. Seems like I'm in your story too." Sakura said, as she observed the pictures.

"Are we all in your story, Senpai?" Kou asked, impressed. And Nene nodded.

"Yes! Even Minamoto-senpai's in the story!" She gushed, thinking about her past high school crush.

Amane looked at her, pouting. "But the guy's not even here right now!" He grumbled and glared at Tsukasa when he laughed.

It was true. Teru Minamoto was not with them as he had completed his studies already and was now a full-fledged doctor who took care of his sick patients. It's been so long since she had seen him.

"That doesn't mean he can't be in my story!" Nene said, defensively, and then childishly stuck her tongue out at him. She really didn't think before doing that.

Amane raised an eyebrow and smirked, making Nene's stomach do fluttery somersaults. He walked right next to her and her heart skipped a beat.

"Yashiro! Your words sometimes break my heart! ~" He then leaned in coming closer and whispered into her ears.

"You know I love you, right?" He whispered, fondly.

Nene's face heated up.

"Amane-kun, you idiot! Personal space!" She hissed, lowly.

But being the devil he was, he wasn't listening to her. She squeaked when she was pulled into his chest, into a tight hug against him. He didn't even let go knowing people were watching them.

He also didn't let go when Tsukasa shouted.

"Eeh?! I'm in the story too!" He beamed, happily.

"Duh. That means everyone is in her story." Lemon responded, and Tsukasa looked back at him offended. Everyone laughed.

"Daikon-senpai already said everyone was in her story you know." Mitsuba said, bluntly. Kou only laughed at his bluntness.

Mitsuba then continued gushing about how he cute he was in her drawings. And that made Kou facepalm.

"Who's Hanako-kun? Oh. His name is in the title. He must be the hero, right?" Aoi asked, looking at one of the panels of the supposed 'Hanako'.

"Yup!" Nene chirped, and took the papers from Aoi, quickly. She was lucky she was close to Aoi even if Amane's large hands were around her waist.

"Aaaaaand no more peeking! If you want to see more you have to buy my books!" Nene joked, and Mei groaned in response.

"But I want to see more!" She whined. Being an artist herself, made her feel interested in Nene's piece of work. Plus, she was in Nene's story too which really touched her heart, even if she didn't know what the story was about.

"Why am I not in the story? Yashiro, you meanie..." Amane said, teasingly. Nene felt his hot breath against her ear. She blinked.

"You are in the story. You're Hanako-kun in my story, Amane-kun." Nene said, as he looked at her with a bit of surprise. His eyes then narrowed.

"What do I do in your story?"

Nene pulled herself out of his embrace and shrugged. "Well, in my story you're a ghost who haunts the girl's restroom!" She said, as she quickly slipped the papers into her file, slipping it then into her bag, zipping it.

Mitsuba snickered. "Well Crazy knife, you are a pervert after all-"


Aoi smiled turning to Nene. "Well, where there's a villain there's always a hero, hmmm? So, who is the villain?" She asked, but her smile fell when Nene shook her head meaning 'no'.

"Come on, please? Tell me who the villain is! And if you can, please tell me the story, only until what you have finished..." She pleaded, her violet eyes glistering.

Nene looked at Aoi, nervously. She could definitely feel the dark aura coming from Akane. She really didn't want to get on Akane's bad side.

She sighed.

"Tsukasa-kun." She replied. Tsukasa looked at her confused.

"Yes?" He said, looking at her curiously.

Nene dragged her hand over her face. "No, I meant that Tsukasa-kun is the villain of my story." She explained, receiving pin drop silence which was starting to get on her nerves.

She peeked at them from under her eyelashes, and noticed Tsukasa smirking at her.

"Now that's interesting. I'm the villain and Amane's the hero? Now I really want to hear your story." He exclaimed, interest flashing in his eyes.

Nene knew that if she said no now, Tsukasa was going to pester her all week until she dropped dead. So, she decided to give in.

She sighed. Who knew how much times she had sighed today.

"Fine. I'll tell you the story. Obviously, until the part I have completed. I know you won't tell my story to anyone; I trust you! You won't tell anyone?" Nene smiled. "Promise?"

Everyone was quick to agree and promise. "Promise!" Her group of friends were so royal!

And so, Nene began telling them her story and everyone drifted into imagination.

"Hey, come here! Have you heard the rumours about the school's seven wonders? You really haven't? Oh my gosh, well where do I start? I'll tell you the most famous one first. It's the seventh of the seven wonders, Hanako the bathroom ghost."

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