Chapter 5

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Arriving in front of her best friend's house was easy. It took a bit of time but it was okay. Nene pressed the doorbell, patiently waiting.

As soon as the door bell button was pressed, she heard running footsteps from inside

Nene gulped.

She hoped it wasn't who she thought it was, but deep down inside she knew who it was, no mistake in that.

The door slammed open, and soon she was tackled into a bone crushing hug by Tsukasa.

"Nene, Nene, Nene!~" He was shouting in excitement.

Nene could see Amane and Kou, probably running after Tsukasa, running towards them.

"Get off Senpai, you runt!" Kou groaned, as he tried to pry him off her.

"Tsukasa!" Amane scolded. "How many times do I tell you not to hug Nene suddenly!"

Tsukasa turned around with a smug look, his arms still wrapped around Nene. Tsukasa looked at Amane, smirking.

"Amane, then why do you alone get to hug Nene-" He was cut off by Amane, who pealed him off of Nene.

Nene looked at the twins, confused, as Amane turned red due to the embarrassment.

"Please quiet!" Amane groaned. His twins smirk only widened. Kou just rolled his eyes at the twins, then he turned to Nene.

"Senpai, are you okay?" He asked. Nene chuckled.

"I'm fine! Tsukasa-kun's always like that." She shrugged her shoulders, not bothered.

"It's not fine to me......" Amane murmured, annoyed.

To tell the truth, Amane got a little jealous when his brother got to hug Nene to greet her. Tsukasa did it on purpose and he knew it.

"Eh? What was that, Amane?" Kou asked, looking at Amane.



The four of them walked in. Amane sighed, quietly. Tsukasa came close to Amane and whispered so the other two won't hear.

"Don't worry Amane! I'm gonna help you confess to Nene-chan!" He grinned. "I just hugged her to see if you'd get jealous!"

Amane growled, lowly.

"Well, don't do that!" He hissed. Tsukasa only grinned at his older twin brother.

"So, you were jealous!" He pointed out.

Amane kept silent. It was true.... What can he say? Even if he denied it Tsukasa can see right through him. Amane sighed.

"Amane is jealous!~" Tsukasa sang, as he dodged Amane's attempt to hit him. Tsukasa ran down into the kitchen, passing Lemon and Natsuhiko, laughing.

"Hey! Get back here, Tsukasa!" Amane said, chasing after him but then halted. It was going to be a tough time chasing him around.

So, instead Amane settled down next to Akane who was looking at Aoi, she was arranging things for the sleepover, and he himself watched Nene who was settling down too.

Hopefully, he can confess to her soon.


Everyone was seated on the floor facing Aoi who was standing in front of them, looking determined.

"So, listen up everyone! Which do we do first? Truth or dare or horror movie?"

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