Chapter 9

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There was a ghost on the third floor of the old building, in the third stall in the girl's bathroom.


You should knock three times on her stall to summon her. She'll grant your wish but in return there is a price.

A girl with deal tipped hair decides to summon the ghost. And she succeeds. But she discovers that the ghost was not a girl but a boy. And indeed, that surprised her.

The girl wanted love and that was her wish itself.

Hanako-san began helping her so she can confess her love to her Senpai, but ended up failing at each attempt.

After another failure, the girl noticed a pouch fall out of Hanako-san's pocket. Curious, she took the pouch asking him what it was.

He told her that those were matchmaking scales.

In the end, she ended up swallowing one and didn't listen to Hanako-san's protests about telling her not to swallow it. She got cursed and turned into a fish.

The mermaid came hunting her down to take her away as a servant.

But Hanako-san hasn't yet granted the girls wish. So, he fought with the mermaid and saved the girl.

The girl knew that she was selfish for swallowing the scale.

She asked to become human again as a wish instead. And Hanako-san granted it. He ended up swallowing the piece other piece of the scale.

Hanako-san has granted her an additional wish.

The girl was now bonded with Hanako-san and was now human again. The curse still remains as she can only turn into a fish when she comes in contact with water.

On that fateful day under the red rays of twilight, is when her fate was tied to the unearthly supernatural.

As the price for her wish, she became Honourable No.7's only human assistant.


"Wow! I love it!" Aoi exclaimed. "I can't believe you actually got the idea for the story because of me!"

She handed the rough note back to Nene. They were sitting on a bench and college students were chatting around, enjoying break period.

"Yeah! I suddenly got the idea and I thought...why not?" Nene said chuckling, as she shoved her note back into her bag.

She then turned to look at Aoi again.

"Anyway, how did your date go?" Nene asked.

"Amazing! ~" Aoi chirped.

Nene smiled. She was happy for her best friend. Only if she could get a boy just for her too...

Nene was about to open her mouth to speak when Tsukasa popped out of nowhere. Seriously he needed to stop doing that! It was scary!

How in the heck was he able to do that?!

"Nene! ~"

Nene sighed, turning to look at Tsukasa who was hugging her from behind.

"What is it, Tsukasa-kun?" She asked, trying to be calm. Tsukasa was more of a cat than a person just like Sakura has always told her.

Tsukasa grinned, his sharp fangs sticking out. "Do kisses taste like lemon?" He questioned her, curiously. He looked so innocent at the moment.

Nene's face was ripe tomato as expected. "Wha-wha-WHAT?!" She screeched in embarrassment.

"Oh. I just wanted to know..." He said, quietly.

Then out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed him smirk and it looked like it was for someone else, she was positive it wasn't directed to her.

But before she could find out what this was all about, Tsukasa was pulled off of Nene by none other than Amane.

Amane was not amused by his twin brother.

He knew that Tsukasa was trying to make him jealous and honestly, he hates to admit it; it was working.

Nene noticed Amane and blinked.

"Hey, Amane-kun! What's wrong? Tsukasa-kun didn't do anything!" She said, noticing the twins playfully fighting with each other as usual.

"Yeah, Amane! We were talking about something very good! ~" Tsukasa grinned.

Nene blushed in embarrassment as she remembered what he was talking about.

Do kisses taste like lemon?

Nene shook her head trying to get ride of that innocent question that Tsukasa had asked from her thoughts.

"There is nothing good about that!" She whined, as she hit Tsukasa on the head making him laugh.

"Tsukasa! What did you tell her?!" Amane asked, afraid that his twin might have blabbered something about his crush on Nene.

Tsukasa turned to Amane with an innocent face.

"Do kisses taste like lemon?" He asked, smugly. Amane facepalmed and Aoi giggled.

Aoi smiled. "Aww, I don't think kisses taste like lemon, Tsukasa-kun!" She said, sweetly.

"Ok! Just wanted to know!" He responded, cheerfully.

Nene shook her head, sighing at Tsukasa, with a small smile on her face. Amane's younger twin can really be handful sometimes, but Nene liked him just the way he is.

At the moment she heard a beep indicating that there was a new message on her phone. She opened her message app and looked to see who had sent her the message.

Kou Minamoto.

It was Kou.

"Senpai! Can you meet up with me right now? I want to tell you something. Meet me at the fountain in front of the college!"

Nene blinked.

Maybe he wants to tell me something important...

Amane noticed Nene looking through her phone, frowning in confusion.

"Yashiro? Is something wrong?"

Nene looked back at him. "N-nothing! I gotta go meet someone!" She said, slipping her phone in her bag. "See you later, Amane-kun! Bye Aoi and Tsukasa-kun!"

And with that she left the other three in confusion.

As Nene walked, she wondered what Kou wanted to tell her. All she knew was that it was something important.

Before she went, she wrote down something for her story in her rough note.

The girl became friends with Hanako-san and called him Hanako-kun. One day a boy confronted Hanako and his assistant.

He told Hanako to stay away from the girl. He said that he would exorcize the evil spirit.

There was a fight between the exorcist and the ghost, but Hanako won.

Even though Hanako was a murderer, the girl didn't care, as she wanted to continue being friends with the ghost no matter what.

The girl's name was Nene Yashiro.

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