Chapter 10

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Nene walked down the corridor briskly.

What would Kou possibly want to tell her? What could it be? Well, she was going to find out anyway.

As Nene exited from the entrance, she noticed Kou in the distance. He was standing beside fountain as he said he would and was waiting for Nene's arrival.

He was quick to notice Nene walking towards him.

Kou smiled. "Hey, Senpai!" He beamed, brightly.

Nene smiled back in return with the same enthusiasm. "Kou-kun! Hi!" She responded, smiling. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

The instant she questioned him, his cheeks were dusted with red. And what Kou told her next made her eyes widen in shock. You could say she was also surprised and stunned.

He stammered, still blushing as he looked at Nene.

Nene didn't know what to say. She didn't expect Kou to confess to her!

Nene's cheeks were dusted with pink due to the embarrassing situation she was in.

She only thought of him as a friend though. Besides, she only see's him like a little brother. And he was her Kouhai!

That's when Aoi's words hit her.

"Here's a little advice, Nene-chan! You need to also open your eyes and realise that someone here might be having feelings for you! ~"


Now Nene understood what Aoi meant that day.

Oh my, she really was naïve, wasn't she?

But Kou was a great friend and was like a brother to her. And for God's sake, he wasn't even her type at all.

Nene smiled at him, dejectedly.

I'm sorry, Kou-kun.

Nene said, nervously staring at her own feet below her. She waited for a response but when she didn't hear one, she looked up to see him.

He was smiling. But it looked a bit sad.

"It's okay, Senpai!" Kou grinned, hiding his pain. "But we'll still be good friend, right?"

Nene's eyes softened. "Yes! We'll always be good friends!" She said, smiling, happy that they were still friends and happy that he was not upset or mad with her rejection.

She was grateful for having their friendship in one piece.

The exorcist boys name was Kou Minamoto. He was the second son of the ancient exorcists Minamoto clan. He soon got along with Hanako and Nene, also helping them deal with risky apparitions.


The moment Nene had left the three, Amane felt as if an anchor had just pulled him down.

He wanted to spend time with her so badly.

Tsukasa noticed his elder brother's glum expression. "Aw! Don't worry, Amane! She'll be back soon!" He said, patting his head.

Seriously? Why did his younger twin have to pat his head!? He was not a child!

"Soon I hope." Aoi mumbled.

Aoi has seen who had messaged Nene. Aoi wanted Amane and Nene to get together, not Kou and Nene!

Aoi sighed, ready to get up, but that's when she saw Mitsuba and Akane running towards them, urgently.

"Crazy knife!"

Amane looked at Mitsuba, annoyed. "Stop calling me that, Mitsuba!" He responded, irritated.

Ever since he was caught playing around with a kitchen knife, Mitsuba started calling him 'Crazy knife'. It was honestly getting on his nerves.

"What's wrong, Akane-kun?" Aoi asked, looking at Akane who was panting heavily. Tsukasa, Amane and Mitsuba turned to face the two childhood friends.

"It's just that...Mitsuba needs to tell something! It's important..." Akane said, gasping for air.

Once Akane had calmed down and was normal with his breathing, Mitsuba spoke.

"It's just Minamoto-kun is going to confess his love to Daikon-senpai!" Mitsuba said, and looked around searching for the supposed 'daikon'. "Where is she?!"

Amane's eyes widened at the realisation. Nene said she had to go meet someone and it was Kou?!

Amane gritted his teeth.

What if Nene accepted Kou? What if Tsukasa was wrong? What if Nene falls in love with Kou instead of him? Then his dreams and hope would be defiantly shattered.

Even Tsukasa's eyes were wide, slightly surprised too.

Amane started to walk to where Nene had gone just few minutes ago. He ran with his friends and twin behind him, who were trying to catch up to him.

There was no doubt that Amane was a great athlete. He used to be in the soccer team with Akane and Lemon, but no one was as fast as him.



"Slow down, crazy knife!"


They arrived at the scene but hid well behind the bushes. They had arrived at the moment where Kou confessed, his face burning red.

"Umm...Nene-senpai, I've liked you for a long time. You're kind to everyone and you have such a cute smile...I-I love you, Senpai!" Kou said, blushing as he looked at Nene.

Amane felt as if his heart was being torn apart. It made things worse for him when he noticed Nene's cheeks dusted pink. He felt his heart drop at the thought of Nene blushing for Kou.

Then he noticed Nene smiling sadly at Kou then looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I only see you as a friend, Kou-kun." She responded, her eyes still on the ground. It looked like she was staring at her own feet.

Amane sighed, with relief. That's all he ever wanted to hear. He still had a chance.

With relief, Amane walked away from the scene, to return back to where they were hanging out.

Akane, Aoi, Tsukasa and Mitsuba followed him silently on the rest of the way back.

Aoi spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Look on the bright side! Nene-chan rejected Kou-kun!" She said, voicing out her thoughts.

"But, Daikon-senpai was blushing!" Mitsuba said, annoyed.

"Nah. It was probably because she was embarrassed!" Akane grumbled, still tired from all the running.

"Amane, are you worried that you'll get rejected like that?" Tsukasa asked, concerned.

Tsukasa could easily find out what his brother was thinking about right now. He knew his brother well after all.

Amane sighed and looked at his younger twin brother.

"Yes, I am worried about that, Tsukasa. Yes, I am."

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