Chapter 13

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Nene's cheeks were shaded with a lovely pink as Amane took her hand to lead her to his bedroom.

When she entered his room, she was not surprised to find out his room decorated with moons and stars, everything related to space. Come on, it would be obvious if you knew this guy.

Within minutes, she took her silky blue night dress from her luggage bag and when into the bathroom, shutting its door and putting the lock.

She heard Amane's voice from the other side of the door.

"Take your time, Yashiro! I'll be waiting! ~" He teased.

Yup, her face was defiantly red.

What was he going to do?! Was he going to be pervy!? Wait, is he going to feel her up?!

Nene smacked away her pervy thoughts and changed into her night gown quickly. She removed her signature clips and dropped them on the clothes she just removed.

Nene looked at herself in the mirror. Her silk dress like gown looked nice but the dress length was only up to her knees. With one last look of herself in the mirror, she then came out of the restroom to stuff in her clothes and accessories (signature clips and brooch) into the bag.

She looked around the room. Where was Amane?

She then sat down beside her luggage bag to write something quick in her story note.

Mokke are small pink bunny like creatures who loved candy.

She smiled. She already completed the chapter for this one. Yousei.

Nene then kept her rough note back in and took out one of her sappy romantic novels. She got up and skipped to Amane's bed. She sat down on the comfort. But was startled when the bed creaked and someone hugged her from behind. She actually dropped her book.

She recognized the scent of the person holding her from behind. It was Amane.

"Yashiro..." He said, quietly, into her ears.

Nene started flailing around. "Amane-kun! What are you doing?!" She squeaked, due to his close proximity. She could feel his muscular body from behind and it made her heart thump wildly.

She could only hope that he couldn't hear that.

But unfortunate for her, Amane could hear it loud and clear. He grinned. "Yashiro, is your heart beating fast because of me? I never knew! ~" He teased, and snuggled into her neck.

"S-shut up!" She stuttered, and shivered when he kissed her on the neck.

"Amane-kun! You pervert! What are you doing?!" She shrieked, embarrassed, trying to push him off of her.

His hold on her was strong though. He turned her around and pinned her on the bed, trapping her. She blushed as he leaned in.

"But you like me being like this. Don't you, Yashiro? ~" He said, playfully.

Then he placed his hand on her chin, his soft amber eyes staring down at her in wonder, all the playfulness was gone. He slowly leaned further in, still keeping eye contact with her. He grazed her lower lip with his thumb.

Their lips were one centimeter apart. Breathes mingling as they kept looking into each other's eyes. Nene felt breathless.

Did...did he want to kiss her? What did this mean...?

Does he love me?

Amane also looked breathless. "Can...can I...?" He whispered; it was like a soft breeze. He was still grazing her lower lip with his thumb.

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