Chapter 4

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It has been two days since Nene's reunion with her friends. They would all meet up at lunch and breaks, just to hang out with each other.

What irritated her the most was the way Amane would tease her.

Oh, don't get her wrong but she usually would have gotten easily flustered if all the teasing wasn't about her daikon legs.

But still she finds herself flustered, even though he's teasing about her legs.

She knows he's not her type and he's such a tease, so why? But she did like him, as a friend of course.

Nene sighed.

Then why was she feeling so safe around him?

Nene wondered if she liked him like that. As in loved him. She really didn't know. Sorting out her feelings for him was so complicated. Ugh, why did he have to be so cute?

Nene froze. Did she just call Amane, cute?

Nene groaned as she leaned her head into her palms.

She was supposed to be studying right now, not thinking about Amane!

She was lucky her mom went out and her dad was typing in his laptop with so much concentration that he didn't seem to hear her groan.

Nene felt like she was the only one not concentrating on her work right now, which was true by the way.

She kept a hand on her cheek and leaned to the side with her elbow keeping her steady, she used her free hand to turn the page, to the next page, of her textbook.

She seriously was lacking in her concentration skills, when her mind was preoccupied, mostly.

She really needed to stop daydreaming like this, silly her.

Nene slowly started going through today's class notes and today's lessons from her botanist textbook.

Time went by and only the clicking of the laptop's keyboard sound was heard in the silent hotel room.

Nene suddenly remembered Aoi gushing about the sleepover, Aoi invited the whole group over to her place, and it was today!

She recalled how Aoi was excited and then decided that she wouldn't want Aoi to get disappointed if she didn't show up.

Nene stood up, sighed and closed her books. She packed them in her college bag along with a pair of pyjamas. After all she was going to need them for the sleepover.

Nene went over to the mirror and picked up her hairbrush, brushing her long hair into two braids, on each side. She then took a look at her hairstyle, perfect.

She really didn't need to change her clothes since she already did it, when she came from college.

Nene looked at her dad from the mirrors view.

She needed permission to go.

Nene walked towards her dad, sitting beside him on the bed.

"Um.... dad?"

Mr. Yashiro stopped his work, and looked at his daughter, a little confused.

"Yes, Nene?" He said, waiting. Nene looked at him with hope.

"Can I go to my friend's sleepover, today?" Nene pouted cutely, hoping her dad would let her.

Mr. Yashiro raised an eyebrow. "Which friend?"

Nene blinked twice, before answering him. "Dad, you know its Aoi!" Nene groaned, leaning into the bed.

"You know all of my friends! Aoi, Akane-kun, Lemon-kun, Mitsuba-kun, Kou-kun...." Nene scoffed. "Natsuhiko-senpai, Sakura-senpai, Amane-kun and Tsukasa-kun! Their all coming! Just please let me go, dad!"

Nene didn't notice her dad smile when she was listing all her friends, but was particularly smiling because Amane's name was mentioned in the list.

"So, the Yugi's are going, huh?" Her dad looked at her, with a mysterious twinkle in his eyes, amused.

Nene's parents were friends with Amane's parents, so she really didn't look into why her dad was giving her a smile with a hidden meaning.

Nene frowned.

For a second, she felt as if her dad was hiding something from her, but brushed it off. She then decided that maybe she was just imagining it.

"Yes, dad. Of course, they'd come too!" Nene rolled her eyes.

Why was convincing parents to go to a sleepover, with friends, so tough? What more does she need to even do?

Nene was thinking whether she should start begging, but she was not a child now! She was a young adult, but still an eighteen years old teenage girl!

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by her dad. What he said next almost knocked her off the bed.

"Yes, you can go to the sleepover." His voice still had the amusement in it.

Whatwhatwhatwhat...WHAT?! What just happened right now?!

Nene thought through the conversation they just had.


So technically her father was giving permission for her to go just because his friend's sons are going, what the hell!?

Nene facepalmed. "Dad! That's NOT how you give permission!" She groaned, annoyed.

Just then Nene heard the opening and closing of their hotel room door. Nene turned towards that direction just in time to see her mom entering the room.

Her mom blinked as she took in the scene in front of her, Nene looked pissed off and her husband was chuckling at his daughter.

"What's wrong?" Her mom settled on the bed with the two of them.

"Nene's going to her friends house for a sleepover now. The Yugi's are also going!" Mr. Yashiro said still chuckling.

Her mom's eyes twinkled at the mention of Yugi's, but elbowed her husband to make him stop laughing.

"Stop teasing her, dear!" Mrs. Yashiro scolded him, smiling a little. She turned to look at Nene.

"You can go Nene dear." Her mom said, smiling at her now.

Nene got up, sighing in relief. She quickly took her bag, heading for the door.

Nene really wanted to get out of here before her dad starts teasing her again like that.

She really didn't look into it though cause her parents were always teasing her, about Amane especially which was totally embarrassing for her.

Nene just didn't know why her parents teased her with him.

She sighed, again, which felt like the hundredth time.

Sometimes her parents acted as if they are still in high school or something.

Nene soon was walking away from the hotel, onto the quiet peaceful streets.

She just needed to get to Aoi's house as soon as she can.

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