Chapter 8

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The group looked at Tsuchigomori with surprised expressions. What was he doing here? How was he even here?

"Tsuchigomori-sensei?" Nene asked, blinking in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

He was their old science teacher back at Kamome Academy. He used to be teaching for them back when she attended middle school. Nene had to move due to her dad's job for high school. So, it's been a long time since she saw him.

Tsuchigomori sighed, as he adjusted his glasses. "I-"

But before he could even respond to the question, Tsukasa interrupted him.

"Did the kick you out?!" His voice was high.


"Aww! Sensei must have missed little old me!" Amane said, hugging himself.

"That's not-"

"Spider face Sensei! Did someone blackmail you to come here?!" Kou exclaimed, worriedly.


"Ah! Kou-kun, that seems like a logical thing!" Nene said. "Sensei did they-"

"SHUT UP, BRATS!" Tsuchigomori snapped, and finally they all shut up.

They all looked shocked, and their old science teacher only sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at the stunned expressions on their faces.

"Geez...just let me speak, okay?" He said a bit annoyed with all the interruptions.

Amane, Kou and Nene nodded their heads quickly in response while Tsukasa only stared. The rest of the group watched in silence.

"I've joined as a professor at Kamome College." He continued. But sadly, his moment of speech was interrupted again by the younger twin.

"Eeh?! So, they really kicked you out!?" Tsukasa exclaimed, earning a glare from Tsuchigomori. In fact, everyone was giving Tsukasa 'the look' to make him stop talking.

Everyone knew Tsukasa can never hold still for a second.

But somehow Tsuchigomori was able to tell them everything.

Tsuchigomori already decided to become a professor for some college nearby. He was lucky cause there was a college constructed right beside Kamome Academy.

So, he ended up joining here because he wanted to, and as a science professor of course. His old students were happy for him.

The bell soon rang indicating that lunch period was over.

"Well, see you around kids! If you need anything, I'm always here." Tsuchigomori said, as he left.

"Bye! ~"

"Bye Spider face!"


Nene elbowed Kou, scolding him lightly. "Kou-kun! You know Tsuchigomori-sensei hates being called like that!"

Kou could feel himself blush at the contact.

"U-uh sorry Senpai..."

Nene smiled. "I'm just surprised Sensei didn't say anything..."

"He was twitching when Kou said that! It's enough to know that he got super annoyed!" Lemon said, as he typed away on his phone.

While everyone was busy talking about how their old teacher got super annoyed, Amane was sneaking behind Nene and Kou.

He didn't like how both of them were standing too close for his liking.

When they weren't expecting anything to happened, Amane squeezed in between them, separating them 5 inches away from each other.

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