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-jung haerim pov-

"Yah.. miann." Sunghoon hyung said letting go of my hand.

"It's ok. Wake up and get ready. We're going out after this" I said patting his back and walk out of the room.

"Ahhh ramennn!!!!" I said reaching for a bowl at Heesung hyung.

"Yeah. Here's yours." He said giving it to me.

We sit on the floor since there is no table. While we were eating, jumin hyung came in and told us to get ready.

"Where are we going hyung?" Jungwon hyung ask in the van.

"The company. You guys need to prepare for your debut already." Jumin hyung said.

When we arrived at the building, I'm kinda feel familiar since this is the second time being here.

When we enter the practice room, a guy is already there. He introduced himself as Kim hwang hee the choreographer. But first, we need to listen to the song first.

THE SONG IS GREAT!!! I love it. As well as the other. It is filled with stories. Our hardworks. Perfect.

"Ok. Since you've heard it already, let's start learning the choreography shall we?" Mr Kim said after the song ended. We all nodded and start the practice.

=      =

After that practice, we took a half an hour break since Mr Kim got something to be taken care.

We walk together to the pantry and drink some water.

"The choreo was really good wasn't it?" Jay hyung ask

"It seems cool too. Can't wait to perform it." Sunghoon hyung continue

"I can't wait to learn the other half." Niki hyung said as we just learnt the first half of the choreo.

"Eyyy hyung I know youre fast.... Wait for mee ." I said looking at Niki hyung.

He just smiled at me. Well it's always been like that. He just doesn't talk much unless he is hyped.

While we were talking about the choreo and whatsoever, someone walk into the pantry and guess who, it's soobin sunbaenim.


Am I dreaming? My god.  When we saw him, we all bow. He bowed too of course.

"Annyeonghaseyeo sunbaenim." Jake hyung said .

"Annyeonghaseyeo enhypen. Practice?" He ask

"Yeah. For the debut." Heesung hyung said beside soobin sunbae.

"I just want to take water. Good luck." He said and we all thank him. Then he left.

"Hyung, don't soobin sunbae look very handsome? " I said to Jungwon hyung.

Jungwon hyung just look at me and look at the others.

"Ahh I forget haerim is a moa." Heesung hyung said.

"Seems like I'm a successful moa broooo" I said proudly.

=      =

Debut day

Today, was a tiring day but worth it.we went to mubank after that inkigayo. We went straight to the dorm since we were all tired.

Jungwon hyung and I are at the living room while the others are refreshing themselves up.

"Daebakk hyung... We debuted today.... I still can't believe this is happening." I said slapping my face lightly.

"Haerim ah it's true. But don't you say that you got no intention debuting back there in iland? " He ask

"Oohhh you still remember that? That was when I was still immature hyung, don't talk about it anymore. " I said

"Why? You shy?" Jungwon hyung teasing me. Huh like I care. I already debuted and this is what I want now so what I think in the past doesn't matter anymore.

He just there looking at me raising his eyebrows.

"Heesung hyung!!!!!!!! Are you making ramenn???!!" I said when I saw Heesung hyung walking to the kitchen. Basically avoiding Jungwon hyung.

" No I'm not. Just getting some water." Heesung hyung said looking at me holding a glass of water.

"You should eat less ramen you know.. you are still growing. You are eating too much." He said

"Ahhh. You sounds like you are 10 years older than me. Excuse me, who is the one that teach me to eat ramen everyday? Wasn't it you??" I said

"Yah just go to sleep already.... Tomorrow we're gonna shoot for a show. Everyone is sleeping already." He said

"Ohh. Ok." I said walking to the room. It was pitch dark. Maybe everyone is asleep. I climb up my bed and close my eyes. I'm tired but I can't sleep. I keep turning left and right and at last I just stare into the air.

Tomorrow is going to be tiring.. again...

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