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"What question is that hyung?!"haerim said after she gulped down her nervousness with a bottle of water.

"Exactly what i ask." Sunoo ask in a sassy attitude.

"What relationship?" Haerim ask.

Jungwon who was listening from the start interupted and said "she is dating him."

Haerim turn her head to jungwon and look at him sharply.

Jungwon raised his shoulders and show im-not-wrong facial expression.

Before haerim could do anything to him, he stands up and said he wants to throw rubbish. Then he left.

As soon as she turns her head, sunoo was looking at her.

"You really is dating him?" Sunoo ask sharply

"Uhhh hyung, you are scaring me, what is wrong?" Haerim ask holding sunoo's hand.

"Answer me."

Haerim raised her eyebrow and wants to answer him but someone is faster,

"No. Not yet." Sunghoon came from somewhere and sat in front of sunoo and haerim. Smiling right into haerim' s heart.

"What do you mean not yet hyung?" Sunoo ask

"Nothing. Its just that-" sunghoon move his eyes to sunoo signalling him to go somewhere else.

Sunoo who was confused at first understand him and stand up suddenly making haerim shocked.

"Haerim, you should date him! Im rooting for you! Uh, i gotta go somewhere. You guys can continue" after that he left her without looking back.

Haerim who was nervous and shy infront of sunghoon just look down and praying for him to leave her alone.

"Its okay, take your time. I can wait." Sunghoon said

Haerim raised her head and her eyes met with sunghoon's eyes. Both of them is flustered and blushed.

"Eh?" Haerim questioned as she did not know what to reply.

"Dont worry. I wont push you." Sunghoon said patting her head

"WOOOO!!!!!!" Exclaimed the others. They are at the corner of the room so they cant hear haerim and sunghoon.

"The heck? What are you guys wooing about?" Haerim said

"Im a sungrim shipper guys. New ship unlocked!" Jungwon said

"Yah park sunghoon! Jung haerim! I never knew you guys were in this relationship!" Beomgyu said

"I am rooting for you haerim iiii" sunoo said smiling from ears to ears.

"When is my time?" Yeonjun said wondering

"You old. You should go first." Taehyun said to yeonjun making yeonjun glare at him.

"I hope you guys will have a happy ending." Jake said

"While i hope for you guys to break up!" Niki said with a sly smile.

Jung haerim pov

The heck are these guys talking about. Well, i understand but we havent become a couple yet. What are they exclaiming about?

"Guys, Delivery!" A staff came in and handed us the delivery we ordered.

"Thank you." We all said to him before he exits.

"Yah yah haerim, you sit here." Jungwon hyung said pulling me to sit beside him.

I sat and saw jay hyung pull sunghoon hyung to sit beside me.

Well. Blushed. I know what they are doing but let just act normal.

We ordered chicken feet and tangsuyuk and jajangmyeon. Typical.

Sunghoon hyung hand me a bowl and smiled at me. Ugh my heart man.... i thank him and replied to him with a smile.

Jungwon hyung who is beside me asked "haerim ah you like dip or pour?"
He meant the tangsuyuk.

All eyes are on me now.

"Me? I dip." I said and after i said that he reach for one, dip it and shove it into my mouth.

I was shocked and almost choked. Is he trying to kill me?

"Yummy isnt it..? Eat well..." he said patting my head. Who is this? Why he sound so psycho?

I choke for the second time and felt hands on my back. Patting me.

"Haerim ah, you ok?" Sunghoon hyung ask. Its his hand on my back.

After i get better, i glared at jungwon and said "yah yang jungwon! Are you trying to kill me or what?"

"It seems like sunghoon hyung really like you. Mission success" jungwon hyung said.

"Im not trying to kill you but sunghoon hyung is trying to kill me instead. You didnt see how he glared at me. My god." He continues.

We were chitchatting and talking and laughing suddenly someone entered the room.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." a boy enters. Wait. I know him. I know him well. My god!!


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