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She sigh again and look at a couple holding hands in front of her. They walk pass her with smiles on their faces. It makes haerim smiles too.

"How lucky of you. To have such a great life."

Yes, she didnt start dreaming becoming an idol for a long time but the feeling of becoming idol grew on her while was in iland and makes her feel desperate.

The dream isnt that long but is determined enough. It was such a big slap to haerim when she heard that she is going to be kick out.

She admitted she isnt experienced enough. Yes. Maybe. But isnt being kick out hurts? She never knew this is what hybe were planning.

Put her in an all boys survival show, she won by global votes and decided to kick her out in the end to make a normal, perfect boy group. This is just not fair. All these months she works desperately will be not worth it.

Without her knowing, tears starts falling down her cheeks. She wiped it and smiled.

She will accept it if this is what people wants. She will do it. She havent told any of the members about this because she doesnt want them to be worried.

She stares into the air. Thinking about what will she do after being kicked out and what will she say to her father or haein who gave her high hopes. She keep thinking.

In one point, she cant hold it back anymore and just let her tears out. She's crying a river of tears.

She crumple herself. Her hands hold onto her knees and dump her face down.
She cry for quite a while until a voice call out her name.

"Jung haerim."

It was such a calming tone. Haerim didnt have to turn around to look as she already knew who was it.

She sat down properly and put her hands crumpled on her legs with her head looking down. Sitting like someone punished her. She is still sobbing tho. Her shoulders goes up and down as she tries to calm herself down.

Sunghoon sat beside her and look at her. Her face is covered with her hoodie so he cant really see her crying but he knew she was because he has been watching from afar.

He came just because he thought haerim might need someone to be beside her even though he didnt know what is the problem.

Haerim avoid looking at him as she is embarassed.

"What happened?" He ask softly. His gaze is still fixed on her.

It was pure silence for a while until he broke the silence he made.

"You know, i got a trouble too." He said pausing looking at haerim's reaction.

"There is a girl i like and she didnt even knew about it." He said pausing again looking at haerim who has calmed herself.

"It was hard hiding this feeling all to myself so i decided to share it with you. Wether you listen or not, i dont know. But i hope you listen." He said

Haerim turn her head toward sunghoon and look at him. He was wearing a mask and a cap. A typical idol when they go out. Somehow sunghoon look calming this night. Haerim thought

Sunghoon gave her a smile when she turned her head looking at him.

"That girl isnt quite a girl. She is rough. She doesnt cook. She doesnt like girly stuff. She even talk like a boy. I dont know what did i like about her because i cant choose. I like her all." He said looking into haerim's eyes. He hope haerim got the message he was sending to her but looking at her puffy face, he decide not to tell her if he doesnt get who he meant.

"It wasnt all. She is nice and pretty and hardworking. All these while i've been crushing on her but little did she know that i was crushing on her?" He said smiling when he saw haerim little smile between her sad face.

"I even have her brother's permission. And you know what we even get married!" He said happily.

"If you got married, you arent crushing on her anymore, hyung." Haerim said in her after-crying voice. It sounds cute in sunghoon's ear.

"Nope. Im still crushing on her. That was a forced marriage." He said crossing his arm looking pissed

Haerim just laugh as he found sunghoon looking pissed cute too.

"Now, you tell me what am i going to do?" He said smiling back after he suceeded liften up her mood.

"You should just confess to her." She said

Ugh, this girl is really slow. Sunghoon thought

"But i dont think this is the right time. Maybe next time but i will use that. Thank you. If she isnt going to accept me, i will cut contacts with her. " he said looking at haerim.

Haerim just smile. She knew what he meant. Everything. She understand and she is thankful to sunghoon for understanding her situation. She is just dont know about her feeling towards him.

She didnt know if she like him enough to be called so called love. She didnt know. She is just confident that she likes sunghoon so much better than the other members. She cant help but feel that way. She sighed again infront of sunghoon which made him raised his eyebrows.

"Now its your turn. Tell me what is your problem?" He ask

Haerim hesitated for a second but decided to tell him as she know he will still know someday.

"Hyung, do you know. That im going to be kicked out? From the group?" She said stuttering.

Sunghoon freeze for a moment and let out a chuckle which made haerim feel questioned.

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