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we were shooting a variety show and suddenly, my ankle got twisted. It was such a bummer but nothing i can do about it.

The reality show got postponed and we cancelled all the schedule for today.
I felt guilty to all the staffs and my members but...

"Let me help you haerim ah." Sunghoon hyung lend his hand as i cant walk properly.

Since i am injured, i am allowed to go back home while the other continue promoting our song.

=   =

"Ooh jung haerim!! You sick! I dont know you can feel pain?!" Kim yejin said as soon as i enter the house.

"Wdym i cant feel pain. Im a human. HOOMAN."

"No it just weird cuz the last time you cried was in middle school."

"Bruh im still in middle school." I said giving him side eyes

"Oh yeah i forgot." He said. "So that means you are normal!"

"Think what you want. Im going upstairs. I wanna take a bath. And you, dont go home. Wait till i finish. I got something to ask you." I said walking up the stairs straight to my bedroom.

"Uh oh. Did i do something wrong?"

=        =

"Whats up with peet?"

Peep is my parrot fyi. I kept it a secret from my parents. Haein too. This is between me and yejin.

Private and confidential. We even avoid talking about peep while my parent is around. Especially haein, his mouth is bigger than cereal bowl. I cant handle him once he knew. I will be his eternal slave if he found out.

We are at the yard now. Haein is at a pc bang. dad is inside. Dont know.

"He? You dont want to ask about me?" Yejin ask

"Why would i ask about you? "

"You just got me nervous for nothing. I thought you want to confess to me or sumthing." He said putting his hands on his chest.

"Wth? No. Bro."

"Hes okay. He eat well. He sleep well and he talks well. Dont worry. Worry about me instead. Yeah baby?" Yejin said.

"Baby? What baby?" A voice from the gate.

I turn around just to suprise myself looking at sunghoon hyung and heesung hyung. I thought they are at music show, performing. What are they doing here?

"Hyung? What are you doing here? And how do you know my house address?" I ask

"Oh. We just came to visit you. Sunghoon misses you." Heesung hyung said before recieving a slap from sunghoon hyung.

"What the... no! Btw jung haerim, what is up with the yeah baby thing." Sunghoon hyung said infront of me as i open the gate for them to enter.

I was taken aback and almost fall but didnt fall. But i hope i fall. Ykwim?

Yejin who was beside me is just looking at them in awe as he keep saying he wanted to meet enhypen.

"Uhh he meant why dont you introduce us to this handsome man beside you?" Heesung hyung said grabbing sunghoon hyung's arm. He pat it quite a few times too.

"Ahhh this is yejin. My bff?" I said with a questioned tone. Yejin looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Uhh hi. Im kim yejin. Haerim's future husband." Yejin said stretching out his hand and shook hand with heesung hyung and sunghoon hyung.

"What future husband? Dont speak nonsence kim yejin or i will kick you butt straight to your house." I said.

"Im handsome right?" Yejin continue trying to show his jawline suddenly.

"Huh, im more handsome than you." Sunghoon hyung whispered maybe to himself but still i can hear him clearly.

"Yeah yeah you both handsome. Now lets go inside. " i said leaving them behind as i walk into the house.

"Haerim ah let me help you. " yejin said. He was leaving me behind I will ask him about peet tomorrow.

"Dad, we got guests." I said to my dad. He is in the kitchen making dinner.

"Who is it? Is it your mom?" He ask.

"What? no. My members." I said

"What members? Ahhh your group members? I forgot you are a star, haerim ahh." Dad said

"Ask them to come in."

"Already did. You make dinner?" I ask dad because they are literally can be seen.

"Yes. If i ask you to make dinner, we all die." He said walking out of the kitchen.

"Welcome! So you are our haerim members right?" Dad said as he saw them.

"Annyeonghaseyo uncle. Im heesung. " heesung hyung said shaking hands with dad.

"Oohhh heesung.. nice to meet you young man. You look quite handsome." Dad said

Sunghoon hyung offer his hand with a bright smile. " hello uncle, im sunghoon. Park sunghoon."

"Oohhh you look handsome too. Yes yes. Nice to meet you guys."

Yejin who was beside me just now, now is beside sunghoon.

"Hello father, im your long lost child jung yejin. Im glad to meet you." Yejin said grabbing my dad's hand and shake it like crazy.

Dad pull his hand and look at yejin.

"You? My long lost child? Ahhh i did have a long lost child call yejin but i threw him out the window at a bridge. No need to come to me." Dad jokes as he is fed up with yejin.

Kim yejin and his sudden jokes and roleplays are everywhere.

"Ahhhh uncle.... i've known you for years. Cant you just except me as your child?" He said whining

"Maybe will. I've known your parents long enough too. I can just tell them you are like this at my place. You ungrateful brat." Dad said

"Now that you are here, stay for dinner. I make some kimchi soup. " dad said

"Uh dad, they are busy. Dinner is like another 3 hours so no. They will be scolded if they are late." I said

"No. You haerim. You keep quiet. Im not asking you. " dad said

"Yes of course we will stay for dinner uncle. Dont worry." Sunghoon hyung said

As soon as sunghoon hyung said that, dad went to the kitchen and continue his doings.

I approach sunghoon hyung and ask him, " hyung, what are you doing? You gonna get scolded."

"Dont worry we already told manager." Heesung hyung said smiling.

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