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We both enter the lift.

It was awkward but i use this chance to look at beomgyu sunbae this close.

"Do you like me that much?" He said not looking back.


"You have been staring me for a long time you know." He said

"Ahh im just amazed by how tall you look. And how handsome you are." I said but the last sentece i whisper.

"I know im handsome too thank you." He said and i saw he smirked when he said that.

We arrived at the cafe. We walk to the counter. Beomgyu sunbae ordered a latte while i just order an iced tea since i dont like coffee.

We sat at a table and facing each other. Waiting for taehyun he said.

"Hey im here. Oh haerim. Hi." He said smiling to me

"Annyeong oppa." I cant deny i got goosebumps like seriously.

"Oppa?" Beomgyu sunbae look at me

"Yeah oppa. Whats wrong with that?" Taehyun oppa said

"You call him oppa while you call me sunbae? Huh " beomgyu sunbae said

"You want me to call you what then, sunbae?" I ask him

"Call me oppa too then." Ugh i swear why these guys really want me to call them oppa.

"Ok then." I said and beomgyu sunbae smiling. Satisfied maybe.

"What are you doing here haerim?" Taehyun oppa ask

"Im taken aback with your question. Cant i be here?" I said. I felt hurt.

"Uh no, dont be please. Im just asking." He said

"The other member left me here. They went home. So now im waiting for heesung hyung to pick me up." I said


"How was the movie?" Taehyun oppa ask

"Movie? What movie?" Beomgyu oppa ask

"Huening and yeonjun hyung watched horror movie with her before."

"What? When?"

"Today. When you were practicing vocal in the vocal room."

"Why dont you tell me they were watching movie? You? Where were you when they watch it?" Beomgyu oppa said

"Of course im there."

"Then why do you-"

"He left when we decided to watch horror movie." I said interrupting their conversation.

"I knew it. You must be scared kang taehyun..." beomgyu oppa teased him

Taehyun oppa give him a glare and maybe beomgyu oppa got scared and stop.


"Im not scared. Its just that i got other thing to do." Taehyun oppa said kind of explaining it to me.

"Then why do yoh say you would join us when you knew you got something else to do?" I said sipping on my tea.

"What? When?"

"you said to huening hyung you would join us. Then you left. What is this?" I said jokingly

While we were teasing each other, my phone rang.

Sunghoon hyung? Why? Did something happened?


"Hey haerim. Where are you? I have arrived."

"Ehh? I thought heesung hyung is picking me up?"

"He.... he got something to do. Where are you?"

"Im at the cafe."

"Which cafe?"

"Company's cafe duhh"

"Ill go there. Just stay where you are."


Then he hang up.

What somtehing heesung hyung have to do that he didnt even tell me he isnt going to pick me up.

"Who is it?"beomgyu oppa asked

"Sunghoon hyung." I said

"Haerim!" Sunghoon hyung call me from afar.

Why does he look like he just lost his child and his child is me.

"Hyung!" I said waving at him.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim." He said  to taehyun and beomgyu oppa

"I told u to not be formal with us." Beomgyu oppa said sipping his latte

"Nae hyung."

"Hi sunghoon."

"You should go back now haerim. Its late. " beomgyu oppa said

"Yeah. It has pass your work time. I have fun talking to you." Taehyun oppa continued

"Nae. Thank you for staying with me. See you next time." I said waving at them after leaving with sunghoon hyung.

=        =

"What did you talk about with them?" He ask in the van

"Nothing." I said

"Dont lie jung haerim." He said looking at me fiercely

"Why do you wanna know though." I said looking upfront back.

"You...,, what do i do with youuu.." he said pinching my cheeks

"Do nothing." I said which make him pinch it even more

"Hyung, it hurts.. anhh  it hurts.." i said whining. No lie that pinch was such a pain.

He let go off my cheeks and cupped my fave and looked at my cheeks.

"Yah its red. Sorry. It must have hurt alot." He said carressing my cheeks

I felt nothing but suddenly  i realize what he is doing.

"Why does it became redder?" He said carressing it more.

"Aa? Hyung?" I said holding his hand to stop him and signing with my eyes about what he is doing to me.

"Uhukk uhukk" he choke on air and let go of my cheeks

I pat his back. What is with this guy tho. One second he is shameless and one secomd, he is the one who flustered.

He blushed so hard until his neck is red too. I can just smile at this situation.

And the rest of the journey we went quite. Maybe still flustered with what just happened.

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