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"Im home! I thought jung haerim is back today. Some injuries.. huh, that girl sure a cry baby..." a voice came from the front door and haerim knew that voice well. Jung haein.

Haein meet yee contact with haerim but avoided it and look at heesung.

"Ohoh... look who is here... my friend and my brother inlaw!!" Haein walk towards them with open arms. Heesung and sunghoon hug him.

"Do you mean me, brother in law?" Yejin walk towards haein and gave him a hug.

"No. Not you! I met you everyday!" Haein said pushing him away.

"Then who? Sunghoon hyung? Maigadd i will be gladd!" Haerim said not knowing that her words make sunghoon blush.

"Really? Go ahead then!" Haein said pulling haerim hand and sunghoon hand and said. " now, i declare you both husband and wife. As you both agree."

Yejin broke our hands apart then look at haerim.

"Are you cheating on me baby?" Yejin said looking sad at haerim.

"What baby. Stop! Stay loyal to the one! I am telling ryuna unnie now." Haerim said as she is done with this roleplay.

Haerim pull out her phone and act like she is going to call ryuna, yejin's crush.

"Huh.. like you dare.." yejin said smirking.

Haerim really dialed ryuna's phone and she picked it up.

"Hello? Ryuna unnie!" Haerim said

"She is faking. " yejin told the others.

"Oh. About kim yejin, that brat, he said he likes you but if he can he wants to cheat on you. He said if you like him, he will be happy and will have you as his girlfriend and search for another one still." Haerim said

"Keep pretending jung haerim... i know you are lying." Yejin said

Haerim put the call on speaker and everyone there can clearly hear a girl's voice.

"Oh really? I dont know he had a crush on me. I thought -"

Before anybody else could hear it, yejin put the speaker off and walk away with that phone.

" ah oh, that.... ah. Ryuna yah..."

"Hhahahahah look at him. " haerim just laugh her heart out as she got her revenge on him.

While haerim is laughing, heesung caught sunghoon staring at haerim.

Haein pull him away and said, "are you serious about her?" When they are both far from the others.


"Answer me, park sunghoon." Haein said

"Yes of course i am." Sunghoon replied confidently.

"Are you confident?"


=      =

Since haerim injury is not that critical, she got better after a month 'reviving'. For her, a month is too much for an mc.

She came back to the company today. But something wrong did happens in that building.

She heard from the staff door.

"Jung haerim have been absent for a month you know." A staff said.

Hearing her name makes haerim stop by and continue listening. She knew eaves dropping is bad but she cant help it when the subject is her.

"Yeah, i knew about her. She is the sly girl isnt she? The one that kinda pick me type of girl in iland right?" Another staff said

"I heard she got an injury on her leg."

"Serve her right. No one wants a sly girl in a boygroup. Wonder if she is sly too."

"Oh btw i heard the upper staff are discussing to kick her out of the group."

When haerim hear that, her blood become cold and she cant feel her feet.

"Why? What happened?"

"I heard it is because enhypen got better response promoting as a 7 member group."

"Then just kick her out. She got no use too. No point of keeping her."

Suddenly one of their phone rings.

After the call ends, she said" yah lets go. They are asking us to participate in the meeting."

"Meeting? What meeting? We have no meeting today."

"This is the one that i told you.... the jung haerim case. Lets just go. I cant wait to hear the result!"

Then both of them pick their laptops and walk out. Haerim hid herself before they exit as she doesnt want to be seen.

She followed them quietly. She followed them all the way to the meeting room.

It can be seen that even the ceo of the company is there.

It must be true, haerim thought.

She leave the meeting room and walk to a personal vocal room and start a vlive.

Maybe this will be her last goodbye to her fans. Fans. If she have one.

She tried to smile and when people enter the vlive, she gave them a big smile.

"Hello guys!!"

Waaaa💖💖💖💖 jung haerimida!!!💖💖💖💖

Long time no see haerim!!💪👀💪

I thought you were injured? 😯😯😯How have you been?😘😘

Love you jung haerim!!❤❤❤

"Uhmm i have recovered! Thanks to a super long mc. I got to revived too. Heh" she said in awkwardness

"Today. I did a sudden vlive didnt i? Its nothing. I just want to meet you guys! I miss you after a month havent see you!"

Have you eaten?😀😀



When are you going to promote as 8? I want an ot8

Where are the others?

"Uh,, eat? I have........ not eaten yet. But i got a burger. Maybe i can eat while talking to you guys. Is that fine?"

"Uhmm for now... im not going to perform since the company is scared im gonna get injured again but maybe soon."

"They are all practicing. Maybe."

She keep interacting with engenes until she forgot that she had a problem. She is grateful. Even if this is the last thing she can do for her fans, she will just be happy.

=         =

That night, as everyone have been asleep, haerim sneaked out from the dorm to got to a nearby park. To clear her mind with the problems today.

She didnt wear a mask nor a cap. She just wear an oversized hoodie and a  jean. Its midnight. No one will recognize her. If dispatch caught her, she is with noone.

She walk around the park. Its quiet as they are nobody around. She walk and walk and walk. The night breeze slaps as she sat down on a bench.

"Ahhh.. such a calming night." She said sighing for the 124th time since she walked out the dorm.

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