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"Oho! Jung haerim!" Daniel said with both of his arm open waiting for me to hug him.

I want to greet him but sunghoon hyung pulled me from behind.

"what is up hyung?" i ask him.

"what?  It just that you got something on your shirt and i am picking it up"

"oh ok then. " i said then walk towards daniel.

"yowe look who is here!  Jung haerim! Long time no see! " daniel said shaking hands with me

"oh man i hate this but-" i said before hugging him.

I dont really like hugging but this time its exceptional.  It has beean a while since last time. So it is kind of worth it for a hug. I think.

What can i say, he grew up. He is a little bit taller than last time. Nope.  Actually a lot more taller than before.

"Yah, what are you doing here?" I said after broking the hug

"Haerim ahhh i miss you~~" he said hugging me again.

"Hahahahaha mwoya?"

"Haerim ah, someone is jealousss." Jay hyung said from behind tapping my shoulder.

"what? Im okay, okay? " sunghoon hyung said when all eyes are on him.

"wait,  did something happens between both of you when im absent? " daniel ask before pulling me to sit down and sat in front of me.

"it was hectic daniel ah. Let me tell you from. A to z about your friend here. " jungwon hyung said beside daniel

I gave him a no no face.

"our little fella here is catching feelins" jungwon hyung said with a smirk on his face

"ooohhh interesting " daniel said rubbing his hands together cant wait for the next part.

"and its none other than our ice prince park sunghoon.  " jungwon hyung continue

"ooOOoO!  Then he is not one sided all these while! " daniel said looking amazed.

"eh?  What do you mean all these while? " i said trying to know more about sunghoon hyung

"he liked you since i-land. You didnt know?" jake hyung ask

"really?! " i said looking at sunghoon hyung who was blushing real hard.

=     =

After all those chaos meeting daniel and after that he went back home, we all go back to our respective room as we got to continue working.

I walk into a vocal room and sat and staring into the air.

"Jung haerim, you need to do a vlive today." A staff came in and told me.

"Eh? Today? I thought ive done it for this month?" I ask

"Are you sure? Check your lives this months, only two times." She said handing me the company phone and gave me a warning to behave myself before leaving me alone.

What is up with these people? Cant they just let me breath? Watching me above my head 24 hours a day is so suffocating!

I set up the place and getting ready for the vlive and one thing for sure, what will i do in this vlive exactly?

I just decided to just talk to engenes so.. i turn the vlive on and people coming in.

Hi haerim!!💖💖💖



Haerim you saw the poll?😄😄

"Everyone, hi! Uhmm im going to start but lets wait for another 5 minutes ok?" I said then i look at the screen blankly.

After 5 minutes i greet engenes again and start q&a-ing. Weird these engenes keep commenting about ships. The heck?

And they kept talking bout an online poll. What poll?

I search the poll on my phone and guess what, the poll was for me and sunghoon hyung.

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