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Evelyn's alarm went off in her cozy Japanese flat, marking the beginning of a new chapter in her life after leaving everything behind in London. The anticipation of her first day at a new school filled her with excitement as she ate her breakfast before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Combing her hair and brushing her teeth, she prepared for the day ahead, adding a touch of makeup to boost her confidence. Gathering her belongings, she stepped out of the flat.

As Evelyn strolled towards school, her attention was captured by a group of girls who seemed to be infatuated with a guy named Jojo.

"Hey, it's Jojo!"

"What? Jojo?"

"You're correct, it's Jojo!"

"Good morning, Jojo!"

"Jojo, what were you doing while you were absent from school for four days?" - a girl asked while clinging to the boy's arms. The boy then looked at the girl clinging to his arms, and she turned red as a tomato. She got pushed away by another girl.

"Why are you clinging to Jojo's arms like that?!" the girl with reddish hair asked the other girl.

"You are being too chummy, stay away from him!"

"What the hell, ugly?!"
"Shut it, no-boobs."


"Shut up! You're damn annoying!" The guy yelled at the ladies. The girls, however, only blushed at him, much to Evelyn's surprise. Although she couldn't understand their fascination with him, she kept her thoughts to herself and continued on her way.

The man then turned around and caught Evelyn staring at him. Fortunately for her, the delinquent didn't put much thought into it. Unfortunately for him, in the next minute he fell down the stairs. At the bottom he stood up, and wiped off his jeans, and girls already surrounded him, asking him numerous questions.

"Jotaro! Are you okay?!"

"Jotaro! Let's walk to the nurse's office together!"

"Jotaro! Let me help you!-"

Amidst the commotion, Evelyn's gaze shifted to a boy engrossed in painting under a tree. His focused demeanor and hushed mutterings intrigued her.

"Oh? He's able to summon a pretty strong Stand. I see. No wonder he wants me to get rid of him. But. . . he is no match for my stand. . ."

Evelyn walked past him and his purple eyes flashed to her, then quickly back to Jotaro. He had cherry-red hair, along with cherry earrings that dangled from his ears. He was in a green school uniform. As she walked down the stairs, she could feel the eyes of the red-haired individual boring into her, but she chose not to acknowledge it. Without further ado, Evelyn decided to continue on her path without interacting with either Jotaro or the other boy.

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Evelyn headed to the principal's office to pick up her schedule. She was looking for her class when she came across the injured dude from earlier in the day, when she stepped into the nurse's office to ask about her classroom. This time, she decided to ask him about his injury.

Before he could respond, they noticed the nurse mumble something about a pen and the terrified expressions on the faces of her other two patients. She stabbed one of them in the eye, and Evelyn turned over to see Jotaro glaring down at something. Words were written on the handkerchief that someone had given him;

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