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"I think it is better for us to wait somewhere," Evelyn suggests. "The fog will only be thicker from now on, we should wait until it clears up."

"That sounds like a plan." Joseph agrees, "Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night." The group's journey led them to the fog-laden town.

"I can't help but feel that there's something unsettling about this place," she commented.

Joseph's brows furrowed in response to Evelyn's words, his confusion mirrored in his expression. As Polnareff stopped the car, they decided to look for a place to stay. The town appeared to be populated, yet an uncanny silence clung to its streets. Evelyn's gaze swept over the surroundings, her fingers instinctively finding her skirt as her unease deepened.

Joseph's gaze settled on a man stationed in front of a restaurant. With a warm smile, he extended his greeting, "Assalamu Alaikum!" The atmosphere tightened with an uncomfortable silence that hung between them.

Evelyn observed the interaction, her own discomfort intensifying as the seconds ticked by. The man, in a matter of seconds, flipped the sign that had initially declared the restaurant as open to one that signaled it's closed.

Quickly regaining his composure, Joseph inquired about the whereabouts of a nearby hotel.

"I don't know,"

Polnareff took it upon himself to seek directions from another local resident. However, his approach was met with a disconcerting sight – a man who had fallen to the ground, his features frozen in a haunting expression of death.

The sight of lizards crawling out of his mouth made everyone shout out in shock. Jotaro noted that there is a gun in the dead man's hand. In the midst of this horror, Evelyn's voice cut through the clamor, attempting to bring a sense of rationality into the chaos. "Guys, let's just call the police," her suggestion held the weight of common sense. Noriaki agreed, his own actions involving asking for the aid of a nearby woman to call the authorities.

From the thick fog, an old woman emerges. Standing beside Noriaki, Evelyn felt a bit safer. "You seem to be travelers." The old woman spoke up with a friendly smile, "With this fog, it's dangerous to leave the town now." She offered a place in her hotel.

When the crusaders entered the hotel, and the woman informed them that they have to sign the guest book. When it was Evelyn's turn, she looked at the woman for a brief moment, then back to the book and signing it.

Joseph Joestar
Jean P. Polnareff
Tenmei Kakyoin
Avelyn Paris

Passing the pen to Jotaro, Evelyn watched as he glanced over her inscription, his actions mirroring hers as he penned down a fabricated name of his own. 

Joseph Joestar
Jean P. Polnareff
Tenmei Kakyoin
Eve Perez
Qtaro Kujo

The old woman handed them the keys to their respective rooms. Clearing her throat, Evelyn caught the other's attention. "Hey, guys," she began, her voice calm. "Just wanted to let you all know that my room is in the other half of the hotel. Seems like they've got the men's and women's quarters separated."

A mixture of surprised and concerned looks greeted her announcement. Joseph raised an eyebrow, his characteristic curiosity piqued. "Well, that's an interesting setup," he commented, his tone lighthearted.

"Yeah, it's a bit strange," Polnareff chimed in, scratching his head. "But as long as we're all in the same place, it should be fine, right?"

Noriaki nodded in agreement, offering a reassuring smile. "It's just for the night. We can regroup soon and figure out our next move."

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