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In the middle of the desert, the Crusaders found themselves cramped inside a vehicle. Jotaro and Joseph occupied the front seats, while Iggy and Evelyn sat peacefully behind them. Surprisingly, Iggy seemed unfazed by Evelyn's presence, unlike the rest of the group. The remaining three members were squeezed together in the back, and Polnareff couldn't help but express his frustration with the dog.

"Mr. Joestar, can't you do something about this?" Polnareff whined, "Why is that shitty little dog sitting in the seat while we're stuck in the back?" he grunted. "I can't believe he let Evelyn sit beside him. Talk about favourites." he complained. Iggy simply yawned and snuggled closer to Evelyn, seemingly indifferent to the complaints directed his way.

"You'll have to wait until the flavor from his beloved coffee gum fades." Joseph quipped, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, "Once that happens, I'll throw a new piece of gum into the back so he'll get there. Then you can change seats." As Joseph spoke, Polnareff reached out to touch the dog, but Iggy responded with a defensive bark, warning him to keep his distance.

"All right, all right. Calm down! Damn it..." Polnareff grumbled. Amidst the complaining, Joseph stepped on the car's brake, and stopped suddenly. All the crusaders were shaken from the sudden halt, especially the three in the back.

"Wh-What the hell?!" Polnareff shouted.

Joseph's voice trembled with shock, "L-Look! Over there!"

All eyes turned to where Joseph was pointing, and horror spread across their faces as they saw the wreckage of the helicopter from before not far from their location. The sight was chilling and heart-wrenching.

The once-mighty helicopter lay in a state of utter devastation. Its metallic frame was twisted and contorted, as if it had endured a violent collision. The tail section remained attached, but it was severely bent and mangled, a clear sign of the impact it had suffered.

The main rotor blades now hung limply from the main body. They were bent and damaged, with smoke billowing from the area where they were supposed to be connected. The sight of the smoke rising from the wreckage heightened the sense of danger.

The glass that once shielded the occupants of the helicopter was shattered, the shards scattered all around the wreckage.

The group proceeded with utmost caution, fully aware that an enemy Stand user could strike at any moment. As they neared the wreckage, their eyes fell upon the pilot of the helicopter. Horror gripped their hearts as they took in the scene before them.

The man lay half in and half out of a shattered window, his body contorted and lifeless. His eyes were wide open, reflecting the terror he must have experienced before his death. His bloodied hands clung desperately to the sides of the helicopter, leaving ghastly scratch marks in his desperate attempt to hold on.

But what sent shivers down their spines was the sight of water in the man's mouth. How could he have water in his mouth in the middle of nowhere?

Jotaro, despite the sight before him, decided to investigate further. With a stern expression, he approached the lifeless body and carefully tilted it to the side. And he did so, but in the water that was in the man's mouth, in that tiny pool of water, was a fish gasping for life. The fish flopped weakly, struggling to survive in the unforgiving environment.

"So much water..." Jotaro whispered, "It's coming from the pilot's mouth...No, from his lugs." He said. "He drowned in the middle of the desert!" He shouted, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Hey, the other one's here!" Polnareff caught the attention of the Joestars. As the two rushed over to the distressed man, Evelyn was kneeling beside him, her heart filled with concern. She gently asked him questions, trying to keep him conscious and calm while she used her Stand to heal him, despite his heavy breathing and inability to speak.

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