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The Crusaders came across a café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of laughter enveloped the atmosphere. They walked into the shop, and went straight to the bar. Evelyn held the photograph of the mansion they sought, and passed it to the man in front of her.

"Excuse me, do you know this place?" Evelyn inquired politely.

"Ma'am, this is a café. Please order something." The barista said, slightly annoyed.

"Five iced teas." Joseph ordered, and Avdol paid for the drinks. While he prepared the drinks, the man observed the picture, but he did not recognize it.

Disappointed but not defeated, they continued their search, asking the others in the cafeteria and showing the picture. The responses were the same—a series of polite shrugs and apologetic expressions.

As they were about to give up and leave, a mysterious figure spoke up.

"I know that building."

The Crusaders exchanged surprised glances. They turned back to glance at the man shuffling a pack of cards.

"No doubt about it. It's that building." The man spoke.

"W-Wait, what did you just say?" Joseph asked, "I just heard someone say they know this building."

"Yes," The man responded, as he spread the cards in that were in his hands in a circle, "I did indeed say that I know where the mansion in that picture is located."

"What? Really!?"

"That's great to hear!"

Avdol and Joseph spoke at the same time. They rushed to the man's table.

"Where? Please tell us! Where is it?" Joseph inquired further.

"Are you asking me to give you the answer for free?" The man asked, smirking at Joseph as he did so.

Joseph offered money to the man, which he declined. The man told them he likes to gamble, and offered to tell them the location of the mansion if they'd gamble with him.

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "What kind of game?"

D'Arby grinned, producing a coin from his pocket. "A simple coin flip."

"Fine with me. What happens if I lose?" Evelyn asked.

"Hm, what about your soul?" The man grinned at the woman in a challenging manner.

Joseph stepped forward, concern etched on his face. "Evelyn, you don't have to do this."

Evelyn glanced at Joseph, then back at D'Arby. "No, I do. This is too important. We need that information." She took a deep breath, her determination unwavering. "I'll play your game. But how about we use a different coin, if that's okay? I'd prefer it to be some random passerby's."

With a self-assured grin, D'Arby accepted the condition. They approached the closest person for a coin. D'Arby called heads, and Evelyn went with tails.

The passerby handed over a coin. D'Arby, with a sly gleam in his eye, flicked the coin into the air. It spun, glinting as it rose and then, with a subtle gesture, D'Arby caught it.

D'Arby grinned as he revealed the coin, showing the side with "heads" facing up.

"Looks like I win," he declared, a smug satisfaction in his tone, "Now then. As per our agreement, let's have you pay up."

The outdoor café fell eerily silent, and Evelyn felt a chill crawl down her spine. Suddenly, a spectral figure materialized behind D'Arby—a ghastly presence that seemed to drain the warmth from the air. It was his Stand.

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