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The crusaders crowded around the hospital bed of Kakyoin Noriaki, who was left temporarily blind from N'Doul's attack. In a chair next to his bed sat Evelyn Perez, now conscious, who was told to take it easy for time they spend at the hospital before moving on.

The crusaders conversed with each other about their next steps. Obviously Noriaki had to stay because of his injuries, but the debate was mainly about Evelyn. She got injured and it wasn't a heavy one at all, but the crusaders couldn't help but be worried about the young woman. She has gone through so much in the past weeks, they thought maybe it would be wise to have her stay with Noriaki until his injuries heal.

Evelyn listened to the conversation unfolding around her, feeling touched by the concern the crusaders showed for her well-being. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that tugged at her. While she appreciated their suggestion for her to stay with Noriaki, she knew she couldn't sit idly by while there was still so much to do.

"I appreciate your concern, really, but I don't think I should stay here," Evelyn spoke up, her voice determined despite the exhaustion evident in her tone. "Noriaki needs rest, that much is clear, but my injury is not bad at all. Plus, we're in the middle of a journey, and I can't sit here while you are putting yourself in danger in every minute of the day, while I know I'm feeling good enough to be with you guys out there."

Jotaro nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Evelyn's right. We can't force her to stay if she knows she's ready to move forward. She knows her own limits better than anyone."

Evelyn nodded gratefully at Jotaro's support, mouthing a 'thank you' at him. The other crusaders exchanged nods of agreement, their trust in Evelyn's decision evident.

The crusaders left to a cafe, but not before bidding Noriaki and Evelyn goodbye, and promising to return soon.

Noriaki shifted slightly in his bed, adjusting the position of his bandages with a careful touch. "Looks like it's just you and me for a while," he remarked softly, his voice tinged with a hint of humor despite his condition.

Evelyn smiled, settling into the chair beside his bed. "Seems that way," she replied, her gaze warm as she looked at him. "But don't worry, I'll keep you entertained."

Noriaki chuckled softly. "Well, in that case, I'm looking forward to it," he quipped, his tone teasing yet sincere. "Who knew getting injured could have its perks?"

Evelyn chuckled softly, a blush creeping into her cheeks at his flirtatious banter. "Well, then," she replied with a grin, "you better get comfortable, because I have plenty of ideas to keep us entertained."

After a few hours, the Crusaders returned to check on Noriaki and Evelyn. Quietly entering, they found the scene heartwarming yet amusing.

Noriaki was sitting up in his bed, his bandages still in place but his expression more relaxed than before. Beside him, Evelyn was seated on an armchair, a book in her lap as she read aloud. Noriaki's eyes, though bandaged, were clearly focused on Evelyn, a small, genuine smile playing on his lips as he listened intently.

Joseph cleared his throat softly, not wanting to startle them but signaling their return. "Looks like you two are having a good time," he commented, a playful note in his voice.

Evelyn looked up, her smile widening as she saw them. "Hey, welcome back! Just keeping Noriaki entertained like I promised."

Noriaki nodded, the warmth in his voice matching Evelyn's. "Yeah, she's been telling me some great stories. It's been... nice."

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